Ancient Astrology

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Calm Presence - Moon in Virgo 1/30 - 2/1


This month’s Virgo Moon period sees zero support from the Sun or the Moon’s sign ruler - not a good indication for trying to get a lot of work done and be super productive. You will be best off staying in the present moment and attending to the details and minutiae which present themselvse to you. Any effort into making some long-term goals happen will be wasted energy.

Fortunately, the Moon enters into a grand earth trine with Venus and Mars during this period. If you can keep yourself present and centered, attending to whatever is needed in the present moment, you can accomplish a lot and be productive. Your energy will be best spent focused on the mundane and practical: clean your house, tend to your plants, and cross off the small things on your to-do list that you’ve been meaning to get to for a while. Mars will provide you with the initiative and drive required to do things (even if it is spurred on by intense aggravation and frustration at stagnation in your life and circumstances), and Venus will offer you some kindness from friends and allies. If you can do your chores and rounds alongside people who care about you, this period will be much more enjoyable and productive.

If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!

Astrological Signatures

Entry: Friday, January 30th at 3:03am EST / 8:03am UTC.

Departure: Sunday, February 1st at 6:25am EST / 11:25am UTC.

Moon in Virgo: Place of Sectmate. Since Mercury is of the nighttime sect currently, the Moon’s ruler is a sectmate, and though without any essential dignity she finds herself somewhat comfortable here. On their own, Virgo Moons are generally good times to get your ducks in a row and sort your life out. Cleaning, organizing, and doing activities which lead to more control and mastery over the details of your life are more successful here. Doing taxes or payroll – really anything involving details and precision – will be more successful now.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Bicorporeal Earth. Bicorporeality indicates activities and moods which are a mean between the extremes of movability (cardinality) and fixedness, not as erratic and changing as the former, but not as solid and steady as the latter. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.

Moon’s ruler: Aversion to Mercury in Aquarius. There is no support for the Moon from her ruler. None of the other aspects will carry through and have long lasting results. What happens and is experienced during this lunar period will stay in this lunar period.

Relationship to the Sun: Aversion to the Sun in Aquarius. This is a neutral placement. Outer events will not, in general, conspire strongly against you to get in your way. However, they won’t bend over backwards to lift you up and support you either.


  • Inferior Earth trine to Mars in Taurus. Last period’s square has eased into a trine. There is potential for more useful and productive energy to abound during this time. But don’t be fooled - the superior position of Mars in the order of the signs, coupled with Mar’s current placement in detriment, will continue to make this aspect problematic. Any progress or initiative on your end is likely to come from overwhelming anger and frustration at your current circumstances.

  • Superior Earth Trine to Venus in Capricorn. Great support from friends and allies. People will offer to help you and support you, especially in the material realms. The arts will flourish, and interpersonal harmony will be noticeably heightened.