Ancient Astrology

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Tempered Flames - Sagittarius Full Moon June 2022

Tempered Flames - Sagittarius Full Moon June 2022

Hello Dear Readership!

I’ve decided to discontinue the use of daily horoscopes. While I thoroughly enjoyed the process, it has been quite time consuming and has left me with significantly less time and energy to focus on other projects such as courses, article series, and other information that I would like to share with you.

I’ll be sending out emails about the New and Full Moons , including specific predictions for each individual sign.

Thanks to everyone who reached out and said how much they loved and appreciated the horoscopes! I am so happy to hear that so many of my readership found them helpful.


The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on June 14th at 7:51am eastern time.

In astrology, Full Moons indicate culmination, completion, and fruition. A full Moon is the outcome towards which the energy of the previous two weeks is striving. At the Full Moon, we see the rewards, results, and effects of both our material and aethereal labors of the past few weeks.

On a more esoteric level, the Full Moon indicates a time when energy is high and the veil is thin. Spirits are much closer to our realm, and spiritual energy can become significantly more transformative and catalytic. For this reason, Full Moons are classically strong times for spellwork – especially group spellwork – as it is much easier to contact spirits for manifestation.

The Full Moon also carries connotations of release and letting go. As we celebrate our past successes and reap the rewards of the previous harvest, we begin the process of recalibrating our inner lives for the next lunar cycle. In this moment, we have an opportunity to reorient ourselves to our lives and let go of habits, behaviors, and even people that do not serve us.

Each Full Moon is unique and carries a special alignment like no other. This Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius. In this sign, the Moon bestows a very yang, active focus. People’s moods become more elevated and expansive. Everyone’s mood is much more social, confidant, and enthusiastic. This is an excellent time for social events, and group spellwork is also greatly supported. People become more aligned with their own inner sense of purpose, and the group enthusiasm and spontaneity encourages an atmosphere of mutual support and trust.

This Full Moon is hosted by Jupiter, the lord of spiritual and financial abundance. Prayers and spells for learning, growing, and expanding your capacity for learning and knowledge will take you very far. This alignment also helps people to trust themselves more, and awakens people to the potential dwelling within themselves. People’s connection to their calling and mission in life can deepen tremendously.

This is an excellent time to work on letting go of old habits, desires, and behavioral patterns that do not serve your highest interest. The Divine will show you different desires and intentions you hold that obstruct you fulfilling your purpose in life ands hold you back. This Full Moon, engage in meditations and spiritual practices that uncover attachments and blockages that keep you chasing after things and desires that are not of use to you. It will take you far.

Saturn forms a sextile to the Full Moon, infusing this lunar alignment with more sternness, coldness, and heaviness than is normal for a Sagittarius Full Moon. You may uncover shadows and darkness within yourself that is coming up to be cleared and released. Blockages to getting what you want are common. However, this alignment can also help keep you grounded and stable, without becoming too enchanted by the buoyant fires of Sag.


A lot of learning and insight will offer fortune to you as the Moon goes full in your 9th house. Any horizon-expanding and consciousness-opening activities like reading, studying, travelling, and spiritual practice will all take you far.

Make sure to stay grounded and centered. Friends will help you out more and keep you grounded as Saturn is activated by sextile in your 11th house, though some of the experiences you have with them may feel cold at times.


The Full Moon is occurring in your 8th house. This can compound feelings of stuckness and idleness. You may have a strong sense that you need to get somewhere different, but aren’t able to do so. Anxiety is also common as life starts to move at a slower-than-comfortable pace. Spiritual practices and meditations can bring in a lot of spiritual power.

The Moon activates Saturn in your 10th house by sextile. You will find positive growth and developments occurring with your career, though the growth may only come with hard lessons.


Romance, partnership, and relationships are prioritized as the Moon goes full through your 7th house. This is a good day to spend extended periods engaged in one-on-one dynamics. Romantic partnerships will see forward movement today.

You will find new clarity and insight coming to your spiritual practices as Saturn is sextiled in your 9th.


The Full Moon is activating your 6th house, which will put a strong focus for you on work and your job – you may find more responsibility and effort required of you today than normal.

While Saturn is activated in your 8th house, you may feel experience and anxiety over ambiguous, non-defined issues. Take the day as slowly as possible.


Creativity, pleasure, and all activities done simply for fun and joy (some of your favorite things, my dear Leo) will offer a lot of good fortune as the Full Moon activates your 5th house. This is a good period for rest, leisure, and engaging in creative pursuits.

You will find grounding and stability through one-on-one relationships while the Moon sextiles Saturn in your 7th.


Home and family will be activated by this full moon as it occurs in your 4th house. You will be more engaged with people that you live with, parents, or just anyone that you are quite close to. You will verbally engage more with people that you live with.

This Full Moon will also bring hard work and responsibility while Saturn is activated by sextile in your 6th.  


The Full Moon activates your 3rd house of local networks, personal community, and village life. You will be more social, and spend more quality time with people around you.

Creative pursuits and leisurable activities will provide you with a lot of comfort and support after all the work is over while Saturn is activated in your 5th by sextile.


The Full Moon is activating your 2nd house of resources and finances, bringing your attention to mundane matters, but ultimately making you much more grounded and centered in your life.

You will find good fortune and groundedness at home while Saturn is activated in your 4th house, though it may come with hard conversations and a realistic examination of uncomfortable situations and relationships.


Activating your 1st house, the Sag Full Moon will bring new clarity and insight into your life about yourself and well-being. Health improves, sense of self strengthens, and more congruence is felt between yourself and your environment.

Local people and community, however, will offer you a lot more success and support during this lunar cycle while Saturn is sextiled in your 3rd house.


As the Moon moves into Sagittarius in your 12th house, solitude and contemplation will become much more standard. Difficult emotions and old wounds may be stirred up by this placement.

While Saturn is sextiled in your 2nd house, you will see some grounded financial growth coming into your life.


Friendships will provide you with comfort and enjoyment today as the Moon goes full in your 11th house. You will work much better alongside other people today, and will feel supported by community.

You will receive positive but somewhat stern personal growth and self-knowledge through the Saturn sextile in your 1st.


You will find a lot of success with career and work as the Moon goes full in your 10th house. You will be driven to succeed and accomplish a lot. Your sense of mission and purpose in life will ground and stabilize.

While Saturn is sextiled in your 12th house, you will find more success and personal insight through solitary practices.