Swimming in Deep Waters - New Moon in Pisces 2025
The Moon is about to be reborn in the fires of the Sun amidst the mystic depths of Pisces. In a sign of such depth and profound connection to the other side of the veil, it is easy to feel at times like one is drowning in the depths, rather than treading water happily in the sea of awareness. And when current events are so stark and brutal around us, it can be easy to feel ourselves dragged into internal chaos.
Fortunately, we can use this new moon in this sign as an opportunity to rid ourselves of the chaos and distractions swirling around us, and get back in touch with that divine light we carry within. The chaos and crises we are surrounded by this season - as the sun plunges headlong closer and closer to Saturn - can be harnessed as an opportunity to release control and attachment to external results.
Each new moon gives us an opportunity for rebirth alongside the Moon. For this reason, wise people throughout all ages have used new moons as a time for purifying the psyche of unwanted old habits, setting new, uplifting intentions for the next cycle, and reinvigorating ourselves with enthusiasm for life. If we let go of our attachments to anything too exernal, we can get in touch with great gifts of internal insight and spiritual development.
This New Moon occurs in Pisces, the mutable water sign ruled by Jupiter. Pisces is association with mysticism, intuition, insight, and perception and spiritual wisdom that can only come through a deep surrender to the divine. In the turning of the wheel of the year, Pisces season coincides with the end of winter and the final cries of the cold and dark before the overtaking of the warm light of springtime. The ascendancy of daylight over darkness and the victory of the Sun over the forces of winter are just around the corner. While the triumph of the light and the sun haven’t arrived yet, their victory is within sight.
For this reason, Pisces has always carried strong associations with mysticism and the contemplative life. As we sit and wait for the return of the light and springtime, the mystic sits in stillness and receptivty, eagerly awaiting the inevitable appearance of the divine to descend onto her. Piscean natives are the most mystical by nature - often leaning into themes of surrender and acceptance of divine timing. From this mystical awareness and inner stillness, they are able to cultivate the perceptive, intuitive qualities that all water signs are famous for.
In keeping with these themes of mysticism, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the lord of all spiritual authority and connection to the Divine. In Pisces, we see Jupiter’s role as the ideal mystic - one who has totally unified the personal self with the Divine self, and sits in contemplative stillness of its true nature as the flow underneath all things. Being ruled by Jupiter, Pisces is often considered a benefic, positive sign, and planets in this sign - either natally or by transit - are easier to work with and more well-disposed by nature.
As the Moon is reborn in this sign, a strong emphasis is placed in the ethers on cultivate stillness, surrender, and mystical awareness. This lunation will allow us all to experience a felt sense of hope and optimism that things will work out for the best - the light will be renewed within us after the trials and darkness of winter. Magically speaking, your own dreams, intuitive impulses, and emotional reactions will speak much more loudly to you than usual. You may even find the cultivation of magical faculties to be augmented during this time.
In keeping with the expansive, Jupiterian quality to Pisces, you will find new doorways opening within you inner and outer worlds - fresh insights and realizations place you on a new path in life. You will find deeper spiritual insights and a more profound awareness of your self - as well as the True Self - coming your way. Lessons and learning are more likely to come, and synchronicities that feel profound. It is easy to feel guided by the universe, and to open yourself up to the guidance that is being offered to you.
The Moon forms a sextile with her ruler Jupiter. This is a very positive alignment, and it ensures that Jupiter can steward and support the moon during this lunation. This new moon can bring teachers, guides, and people who genuinely wish the best for you and wish to help you on your way. Being limited by our own perception and unable to see our blind spots, sometimes those with greater wisdom than us can see where we need to go next more so than we can see for ourselves. Open yourself to their guidance during this lunar cycle.
This new moon also happens in conjunction with Saturn, the planet of darkness, death, and time. We are more likely to see the shadows of piscean emotionalism during this time. moods, and the overwhelming cascade of emotional and internal drama. The great ego-death of Pisces can feel more like a dissociative dark night of the soul. The happy mystical awareness can easily flip into feels of chaos and emotional overwhelm. Remember that the madman drowns in the same river in which the mystic swims.
Focus on cultivating and nourishing your inner talents. Listen to your dreams. Engage in consistent spiritual practices that develop intuitive capacity. Though you may feel yourself buffeted and overwhelmed by the wild, untamable waves of the spiritual realms, you can always return to your true self. Allow this period to shape you into a mystic who can always swim, no matter how deep the waters.