Slow and Steady - Moon in Virgo 3/25 - 3/28
The Good
As the Moon enters into Virgo - the Yin, feminine domicile of Mercury - we are all afforded the opportunity to turn our attention towards the minutiae of our lives and take stock. It is in this sign that the queen of heaven sees and notices everything; she assesses the state of the kingdom with her royal scribe and sorts out the details of the land, ensuring that she can meet the mundane, foundational needs of everyone under her purview.
Virgo symbolizes the harvest, as the Sun’s ingression into this sign heralds the end of summer and the foreboding of winter. Truly, Virgo is an abundant sign, just as filled with material comfort and pleasure as any other earth sign, and saturated with fruits of the land waiting for you to take them. There are a myriad of blessings and opportunities presenting themselves to you right now. You just have to do the work. To be sure, the action of harvesting is very detail oriented, painstaking, and fairly laborious, but it brings great reward if you put in the time and effort.
The Moon here gives you the opportunity to see everything in your life and take inventory. What opportunities in your life are waiting for you to act on? What can you do in the next few days to seize the fruits of previous labors? What initiative and steps can you to take in order to eke out some of the blessings of a good harvest?
The Bad
Unfortunately, we don’t have much external help coming to us this period to help us with this task. The Sun forms an aversion, neither helping nor harming, and currently neither of the benefics - Venus or Jupiter - emit their stellar rays into the sign of Virgo, offering any help.
The Moon does receive an opposition from her ruler Mercury (arguably the weakest and most backhanded kind of help from a planetary ruler), but Mercury is currently in its detriment and fall in the sign of Pisces. You may find your thinking becoming cloudy and confused, overwhelmed with emotional overtimes which, though sometimes helpful, will currently obscure logical, linear thinking, just as the universe asks you to engage in that kind of work. You may find communication and conversation to be very strained, so don’t be frustrated if you have trouble getting your point across.
And speaking of frustration, that superior Mars square from Gemini is no laughing matter. This can create a great deal of internal frustration and self-hatred, which is especially compounded by the already neurotic compulsion that Virgo has to get things right all the time. You are only human, and you will only ever be human; that is a strength, not a weakness. Nothing is so serious that you should shame and flagellate yourself for making a mistake. Transmute the fire of inner anger into a desire to improve yourself as you move forward.
The Wyrd
I know you wouldn’t necessarily think of Moon in Virgo as being an abundant sign, as characterized above, but read what the PGM (Greek magical papyri) says about these periods: Anything is rendered obtainable. That sounds pretty abundant to me. Go and seize what you want - just be ready to do the work required to actually obtain it.
To wit, I would advise the working of a Saturn Ritual at the end of this week. Saturn is excellent at showing you what is required of you to get what you want. If you do what he tells you to do in ceremony, he will come alongside you and bring you what you were seeking and more. He can be a little hard and blunt sometimes, but his essential dignity in Aquarius means that he’s not hitting us too hard right now if you want to go and talk to him. ***I do not recommend Saturn magic for people who are already depressed and weighed down. Do some workings with Venus instead, who will gently hold your hand and help you magnetize to yourself whatever it is you are after. ***
Remember, everything that I tell you here needs to be indexed to your natal chart, especially the house placement of the Moon, any major transits and the time lords in your life. A strong period for one person may be more challenging for another. I am currently taking on new clients for readings, and I would be very happy to walk you through your own chart and astrological weather - book a session with me here!
Astrological Signatures
Entry: Thursday the 25th at 11:25pm EDT / Friday the 26th at 3:25am UTC.
Departure: Sunday the 28th at 1:22am EST / 5:22am UTC
Moon in Virgo: Peregrine. Since Mercury is of the daytime sect currently, the Moon finds herself in a foreign place without much support or strength. On their own, Virgo Moons are generally good times to get your ducks in a row and sort your life out. Cleaning, organizing, and doing activities which lead to more control and mastery over the details of your life are more successful here. Doing taxes or payroll – really anything involving details and precision – will be more successful now.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Bicorporeal Earth. Bicorporeality indicates activities and moods which are a mean between the extremes of movability (cardinality) and fixedness, not as erratic and changing as the former, but not as solid and steady as the latter. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.
Moon’s ruler: Opposition to Mercury in Pisces. There is decent support for the Moon from her ruler for grounding significations into reality and seeing long-term plans through. I am worried, however, that this opposition from a debilitated Mercury in Pisces will create confused thinking and miscommunications.
Relationship to the Sun: Aversion to the Sun in Aries. This is a neutral placement. Outer events and circumstances will not noticeably support you and create feelings of flow, but they won’t necessarily go out of their way to hinder you either.
Inferior Bicorporeal Square to Mars in Gemini. Roadblocks, obstacles, arguments, fights, tension, discord, and conflict. Greater potential for burnout and overextending yourself. You may find yourself getting angrier more easily. Any progress or initiative on your end is likely to come from overwhelming anger and frustration at your current circumstances.