Ancient Astrology

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Solace in Others - Moon in Scorpio 3/30 - 4/1


Scorpio moons are good for one thing: diving into all that yucky, painful, shadowy, emotional gunk that we never want to actually look at. This is your opportunity to do shadow work in an extremely effective way.

I can’t believe I’m about to say this: thank the Astral Archons that Mercury is in Pisces, because right now that trine he is forming to the Moon is the only support we have going for us.

There’s two ways I can see this going down in a positive way: you help your friends and acquaintances through some of their emotional refuse, or your friends help you through your own emotional refuse.

If you don’t like talking about feelings, just keep your mouth shut and ride it out. But since you are a reading this blog, I imagine you are interested in spiritual practice in one way or another, and therefore that talking about feelings won’t be a completely terrible experience for you. If that’s the case, you could really get a lot out of the next few days, as you plumb the depths of your unconscious and make leaps and bounds in your emotional development process.


We’re always starting off on a bad note with the Scorpio Moon period. Classical astrologers considered Moon in Scorpio a kind of hell on earth (sorry, my dear Scorpio Moon friends, but you know what I’m talking about…). So much loss, so much letting go, so much emotional turbulence, ebbs and flows, ups and downs, etc. I always point out to my clients that the Buddha himself had Moon in Scorpio - get ready to see the world the way he did.

There is a nasty square from Saturn. As Saturn is the malefic of the daytime sect, much of the challenges he brings are more etherial and internalized. Think 12th house themes of self-sabotage, isolation, and dark nights of the soul. There can be a lot of negative self-talk and personal frustration. If you are prone to depression and shame spirals, you could find yourself being taken over by thought-loops and negative reality-tunnels.

The square from Jupiter could bring some issues. Tension with authority figures, difficulties manifesting abundance and emotional buoyancy. This square is much easier to overcome though - the natural benefic character of Jupiter wants to give its gifts to you. It just takes more effort and time.


More of the Via Combusta (the Burnt path) - pretty much all day Wednesday. The Scorpionic side of the Via Combusta is especially notorious for insanity and demonic possession. Now is not the time to spend a night in the local abandoned mental hospital.

The Greek Magical Papyri tells us that the Moon in Scorpio is an excellent period for black magic. We here at do not endorse the use of black magic. But it gives you another lens through which to view what the Scorpio Moon is all about.

Spellwork is not really advised during this period, unless you nataly have a Scorpio Moon. If that’s the case, you may perform workings or castings for releasing attachments and letting go of fear. None of the planetary days -Tuesday through Thursday - (Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter, respectively)- are greatly placed or supported by the Moon’s placement here.

Remember, everything that I tell you here needs to be indexed to your natal chart, especially the house placement of the Moon, any major transits and the time lords in your life. A strong period for one person may be more challenging for another. I am currently taking on new clients for readings, and I would be very happy to walk you through your own chart and astrological weather - book a session with me here!


Entry: Tuesday, March 30th at 1:33am EDT / 5:33am UTC.

Departure: Thursday, April 1st at 1:58am EDT / 5:58am UTC.

Moon in Scorpio: Fall of the Moon. This is a very challenging placement. The whole world feels a little unsteady. It is difficult to accomplish anything or get anything done in the material sense of things. Difficult emotions will continue to arise, and it may be easy to fall into an emotional hole or get stuck in a rut. However, Scorpio Moons are good times to take a pause from work and do introspection, especially into one’s own shadow and the darker parts of the personality that one would rather ignore.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Water. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness in people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The water element emphasizes the emotional and inner life, and people tend to prioritize their own inner states and unconsciousness patterns. The atmosphere takes a very reflective tone.

Moon’s ruler: Aversion to Mars in Gemini. There is no help and support for grounding the Moon’s significations in reality and making long-term plans come to fruition. The Moon-Mars aversion leaves the Moon unprotected from the difficult aspects from Jupiter and Saturn.

Relationship to the Sun: Aversion to the Sun in Aries. This is a neutral placement. Outer events and circumstances will not noticeably support you and create feelings of flow, but they won’t necessarily go out of their way to hinder you either.


  • Superior Water Trine to Mercury in Pisces. This is an easy, productive period for communication and the use of the mind. Ideas and conversation will flow freely. With the watery nature of this trine, the exploration of feelings and emotions will be most supported.

  • Superior Fixed Square to Jupiter in Aquarius. You may find hard lessons coming your way from people you respect, or challenges arising to test your personal resolve and conviction. Financial worries may come your way too. All of this can be resolved and made to work in your favor if you confront the issues that arise instead of running away from them. These troubles will be quite persistent with the fixed nature of the square.

  • Superior Fixed Square to Saturn in Aquarius. Negative self-talk, rumination, challenges with self-worth and esteem. Confusion and lack of clarity can also be present. It will be difficult to get anything done. These troubles will be quite persistent with the fixed nature of the square.