Ancient Astrology

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Stability and Peace - Moon in Taurus - 6/6 - 6/8


Taurus is the royal gardens of the Queen of the Heaven, where she is exalted and lifted up by Venus, the Goddess of Love. Think of the Moon as our celestial, Divine Mother - she wants to nurture us, help us grow, and provide for every single one of our needs so that we lack for nothing. When you combine that with the sturdy, earthy, Venusian nature of Taurus, the opportunity for us all to receive the grace that we need goes up significantly.

It’s very understandable that the Moon is exalted here, since she has access to all the material goods of life that she already wants to give you in abundance. For this reason, Taurus Moon periods provide a lot of material stability and groundedness, and it is easier to find the things that you need. This is an excellent period to kick back, relax, and know that the universe will take care of you.

The Moon forms three sextiles from Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. The Mars sextile is a mixed bag. While it might provide some motivation to accomplish more and work harder, it will not necessarily be incredibly helpful beyond that.

However, the sextiles from Jupiter and Venus will both provide significant support and grace for this period. Venus will offer us help from other people, friends, and partners. A cooperative spirit will suffuse your interactions with others, and you won’t have to do your work alone. Jupiter will lift up your mood, clarify your sense of purpose, and open doorways to both material and spiritual abundance.


As with last month, there is a square from Saturn. Saturn is in the superior position, meaning that it has a lot of power over the Moon. There can be a lot of negative self-talk and personal frustration. If you are prone to depression and shame spirals, you could find yourself being taken over by thought-loops and negative reality-tunnels. However, the fact that both the Moon and Saturn are in essential dignity will make them each more positive, and inhibit some of the inherent negativity of this aspect.


The most common translation of the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) says that Taurus Moon periods are excellent for an “incantation to a lamp”. Looking at the original Greek, I read this more as “into a lamp.” In other words, this is a good time to do magic that involves chanting your intention and desire into a lamp, candle, or other kind of portable light. I direct your attention to the traditions of magicians in many cultures throughout history who have seen Fire as a messenger to the Gods who channels prayers into heaven. This is probably playing on that mythos.

This is an excellent time for a lunar ritual. We have a Taurus Moon bonified by multiple other planets on a Monday in the hour of the Moon. Given, however, that the Moon is a waning crescent, I wouldn’t focus your magic on any serious manifestation or trying to create anything new. Searching for clarity on the emotional realm, and doing lunar magic for psychic abilities and greater connection to the other side, however, would go over quite well.

Remember, everything that I tell you here needs to be indexed to your natal chart, especially the house placement of the Moon, any major transits and the time lords in your life. A strong period for one person may be more challenging for another. I am currently taking on new clients for readings, and I would be very happy to walk you through your own chart and astrological weather - book a session with me here!

Astrological Signatures

Entry: Sunday, June 6th at 1:47am EDT / 5:47am UTC.

Departure: Tuesday, June 8th at 2:47pm EDT / 6:47pm UTC.

Moon in Taurus: This is the Moon’s exaltation - a very positive place for the Moon where she and her significations are lifted up and greatly supported. Physical work and care of the body are each highly effective during this time. The Moon herself is also more benefic during this period, making this a good time to do lunar magic and workings.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Earth. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness in people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.

Moon’s ruler: Superior Sextile to Venus in Cancer. This provides ample support for the Moon, grounding her significations and topics in reality, and also protecting her from some of the troubling sides of the Saturn and Mars sextiles this period.

Relationship to the Sun: Aversion to the Sun in Gemini. This is a neutral placement. Outer circumstances will not hinder you, but they will not be particularly helpful in grounding your intentions this period either. Fortunately, the Moon has much support from her ruler Venus, so the indifference, so to speak, of outer circumstances is lessened.


  • Superior Sextile to Mars in Cancer. Initiative and drive will increase, with more impulse to accomplish a lot and get much done. This can come at the cost of internal frustration, however you will be bolstered by feeling a fire lit underneath you, driving you towards success.

  • Inferior Sextile to Jupiter in Pisces. Help will come in through the avenues of teachers and guides. There is emotional buoyancy, and an opportunity for optimism, financial growth, and greater spiritual wisdom.

  • Inferior Fixed Square to Saturn in Aquarius. Heavy negative self-talk, rumination, challenges with self-worth and esteem. Confusion and lack of clarity can also be present. It will be difficult to get anything done. These troubles will be quite persistent with the fixed nature of the square.