Due Diligence - Moon in Capricorn 1/11 - 1/13
Entry: Monday January 11th at 8:29am EST / 1:29pm UTC
Departure: Wednesday January 13th at 11:43am EST / 4:43pm UTC.
Moon in Capricorn: Detriment of the Moon. The Capricornian emphasis on duty, social cohesion, and work ethic tends to overpower the Moon’s emphasis on nurture and self-care. Outer events won’t conspire to make you feel emotionally comfortable; hard work and discipline will be asked of you instead.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Moveable Earth. Movability (cardinality) indicates short and quick bursts of activity that are cut short and not seen through as often. The Moon and our own moods, activities, and attention spans tend to flit from one thing to the next. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.
Moon’s ruler: The Moon is averse to Saturn in Aquarius, but this is offset by the like-engirding or homozonias principle in virtue of them being in signs of the same rulership. This provides decent support to ensure that the Moon’s significations will ground and that the work done during this period will be long-lasting.
Relationship to the Sun: The Moon is conjoined the Sun in Capricorn. This creates the greatest congruency and harmony between one’s intentions and material circumstances - the road will rise to meet you, and you will find flow states and synchronicities occurring more often. Things will just “line up” almost perfectly.
Superior Earth Trine to Mars in Taurus. This is the beginning of a new aspect cycle. Internal frustration, anger, and irritability will be very pronounced. You will feel a lot of initiative towards changing your circumstances and pushing through resistances, but there will also be a great danger of burnout. The detriment character of Mars creates more potential for tension here. The earth element will put a lot of this challenge in the realm of work, labor, and the physical body.
Conjoined Venus in Capricorn. Interpersonal harmony and kindness. There will be general pleasantness amongst people, and everyone will be more inclined to get along with each other. The arts will flourish as well.
Summary: We have a lot going for us during this Capricorn Moon period. Although we will, as always during this period, find the world around us pressuring us towards duties and responsibilities we may not like, the support the Moon receives from the Sun and her ruler Saturn will help to ensure that we can meet that duty with grace and resolve. You have the potential to accomplish a lot, and get a lot of work done in the world. Venus’ presence here will make teamwork and group dynamics much more helpful than usual. You will find that you get your best work done alongside other people.
The only trouble here is Mars, who currently casts his ray (it is ahead in the order of signs) at the Moon from his detriment in Taurus. Don’t give in to anger, and don’t be stubborn. You may find events that are so irritable that you get so angry and can’t let go of it. Don’t let this get in the way of the work you’re trying to accomplish here.
If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!