Horary Reading
Ask a concrete question of the oracle…and get a concrete, no-nonsense response:
Should I quit my job?
When will I meet my future husband?
Will I receive alimony?
Should I buy this property?
Horary astrology excels at answering precise, results-oriented questions. It is an excellent tool for outcome-driven questions that may not require the big-picture analysis of natal astrology.
While not infallible, this discipline of astrology is famous for providing very precise, extremely accurate, no-nonsense responses to questions.
Actual horary readings I have done that turned out correct include:
Should I quit my job? “No. There aren’t any better prospects ahead, and things are about to get better at your current position.
When will I meet my future husband? “in about 7 months.”
Will I receive alimony? “The judge is not favoring your case, and so you won’t get alimony.”
Should I buy this property? “Yes! it will be a good investmet property, and it is currently being priced lower than it is worth. However, the neighbor that you want to buy it from doesn’t like you one bit, and might take some persuading.”
Remember, concrete questions with a results-oriented outcome are generally best.
How it works:
Pick a slot on my calendar that works for you.
Then, when the time comes, I’ll use the horary chart to answer your question. I’ll discuss the judgment with you, including the reasoning behind my assessment. If warranted, I may also take a peek at your natal chart for further confirmation.