Carpe Diem - Moon in Leo 7/20-7/23
Timing: The Moon occupies the sign of Leo from Monday the 20th at 9:16pm UTC to Thursday the 23rd at 12:39am UTC.
Moon in Leo: Light-sharing of the Moon with the Sun - strong essential dignity. Leo functions as the moon’s diurnal, solar domicile, since her and the sun are two halves of the same coin. The Leo moon is an excellent period for being productive and getting a lot done. After going inward during the moon’s travels through Cancer, you can take the insights and wisdom received there and apply them towards something practical. The Moon in Leo has a focused drive to accomplish quite a lot, since the fiery passion to act combines with the steadiness and reliability of a fixed sign.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed fire. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The fire element indicates the realm of spirit and ideals, and the Moon in a fire sign often expresses more enthusiasm, spontaneity, and creative, heart-centered expressionism.
Moon’s ruler: The Moon is averse to her ruler the Sun in Cancer, but they form a homozonias or like-engirding relationship. They are also in mutual reception. This is as supportive as the Moon being able to see her ruler by traditional aspect.
Sextile Venus in Gemini. People will be friendlier towards each other and more inclined to be helpful. Conversations will run more smoothly, and the mutual sharing of ideas through discussion and debate will be more fruitful. Creative inspiration and the arts will flourish.
Trine Mars in Aries. Very active energy for productivity, making positive strides. More initiative, more inspiration, and more enthusiasm. Greater potential for Burnout and overextending yourself.
Summary: There’s a lot of potential for productivity and accomplishing a lot during these days. The fiery nature of Leo and Leo’s ruler provide the ignition necessary to see your will through. With solid amounts of support from Venus and Mars, there is even more drive and energy in the sky to ensure that you accomplish what you want. The sextile from Venus will also help to ensure that you do so without stepping on anyone’s toes, instead working in harmony with those around you.
If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!