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    Align with your Stars

    Free, easy, step-by-step instructions on identifying challenges in the natal chart and healing them through traditional, magical remedies.

    • Learn how to concretely and accurately understand your chart for the purposes of healing.

    • Discover clear, straightforward interpretations of the tools of astrology: planets, signs, houses, and aspects.

    • Treat long-standing emotional, spiritual and even physical issues reflected in the natal chart.

    • Learn traditional strategies and remedies for addressing long-standing spiritual, emotional, and physical issues.

    • Discover your celestial strengths and talents encoded in the birth chart, as well as your blind spots through a no-nonsense approach to astrological interpretation. Stop unconsciously fighting against yourself.

    • Break through the blocks that inhibit manifestation; finally start attracting the abundance and flourishing you’ve been seeking.

    • Learn how to read your friend’s and family’s natal charts and bring their lives into greater wholeness.

    Sign up to receive you free copy of Healing Through the Birth Chart

      ABOUT your Guide

      Matthew “Merlin” Kenney is a professional classical astrologer and ritual magician. He studied classical philosophy and linguistics at university, and reads and translates Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, utilizing the insights of ancient wisdom in his teaching and client practice.

      Merlin teaches and practices astrology as a complete spiritual path. Following in the footsteps of the ancient hermetists and magicians of old, he utilizes the horoscope alongside herbal medicine, ritual magic, and daily spiritual practice to find healing and empowerment.

      Merlin has been featured as a speaker on several prominent astrological platforms, including Kepler College and Nightlight Astrology. He has taught about traditional views of the seven planets, the relationship between astrology and philosophy, and advanced techniques for prediction.

      In addition to lecturing and writing about traditional, practical applications of astrological wisdom, Merlin offers natal chart readings, elections, and horary readings. He teaches several courses on astrology, meditation, and ritual magic. He also co-runs The School of Heaven and Earth with his wife Crystal Woodling.

      Merlin’s professional practice is deeply informed by his daily spiritual practice. He is a dedicated practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, Daoist internal alchemy, and Baguazhang. He is a 24th generation discipline of the Daoist Dragon Gate Sect.

      Here's what his Clients have to say about Merlin and Ancient Astrology