Natal Chart Examples

Welcome! I hope you have enjoyed reading Healing with Astrology and are excited to start making the astrological symbolism come alive in your natal chart.

Below are four example charts designed to show you the interpretation of astrological symbolism by correlating the symbolism to people’s lives. You’ll see how to make concrete interpretations, and then you’ll see these interpretations confirmed by real people’s experience.

I’ll apply the same principles that were covered in the guide, and bolded a sentence in each interpretation which explicitly links the meaning of the planet to the house. I hope that interpreting the placements in your chart will be much easier by seeing these principles applied in action.

Example 1 - Paul McCartney


Paul McCartney has the Sun in the 10th house. The Sun illuminates matters of publicity, career, and fame. Paul McCartney has been very focussed on his career throughout his entire life, and has had a very public work life in keeping with themes of the 10th house.

Paul has the Moon in the 12th house. The Moon brings an emotional focus towards solitude and self-undoing. His personal life has been very private and solitary. Paul was also imprisoned several times for drug use. His mother died when he was 14, leading to self-sabotaging relationships with multiple girlfriends as a teenager.

The benefic Jupiter in the 11th house. Jupiter magnifies friendship and social groups. Paul became famous and made much of his money through his friendships and colleague relationships with other musicians.

Example 2 - Princess Diana


Princess Diana the Sun in the 8th house. The Sun illuminates loss and death. As the 8th house rules loss, natives with the Sun in the 8th often have an initially pleasant life situation snatched from them at a young age. Diana's father was left by her mother and they divorced when she was seven. Like many people with the Sun in the 8th house, the formative years were particularly unstable and chaotic. These difficulties were repeated in her own marriage with Charles.

Diana's Mars in the 10th house. Mars aggravates and brings stress to career, fame, and public image. Her fame and reputation did more harm for her than good. Her marital problems and affair were widely publicized. They ultimately contributed to her untimely death. In a woman's chart, Mars represents the spouse, and her marriage was also the source of her infamy and notoriety.

Diana has Jupiter in the 3rd house. Jupiter magnifies local community and siblings. Diana was well known for her philanthropy and generosity to the people of England. She also had strong relationships with her siblings.

Example 3 - Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein had the Sun in the 9th house. The Sun illuminates themes of travel and higher education. Einstein devoted much of his life to the pursuit of 9th house themes of knowledge. He became a renowned researcher and scientist by the time he was 26. He held numerous teaching posts around the world and emigrated to the United States later in life.

Einstein's Moon occupied the 6th house. The Moon brings an emotional focus and familiarity to bad health and hard work. Einstein spent long hours working on his research projects and devoted a great deal of time to hard study of mathematics and philosophy from a young age.

His Mars is in the 7th house. Mars brings stress and overintensity to one-on-one relationships. Einstein had multiple marriages, and purportedly spent many years feeding another love interest while still with his first wife. While married to his second wife, he expressed interest in up to 6 other women, including the niece of a close friend.

Example 4 - Prince


Prince has his Moon in the 5th house. The Moon brings an emotional focus and familiarity to matters of art, music, and creativity. He wrote his first piece of music when he was seven, and became one of the most famous, innovate musicians of the century.

Prince’s Mars is in the 6th house. Mars brings stress and overintensity to the house of bad health and hard work. Prince had epileptic seizures when he was young, and often suffered from issues with his health throughout his life. He was forced to write copious amounts of music due to the deals with his record company. On the plus side, he was frequently praised for his strong work ethic.

Prince’s Saturn is in the 2nd house. Saturn obstructs and blocks possessions, finances, and ownership. While Prince was well-set financially, there were many, long-standing legal battles over the ownership of his music. He even changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol to circumnavigate record deals. He also had lawsuits with eBay and YouTube over the illegal distribution of his music.

Still feel like you need help? has a database of over 60,000 charts of public figures which you can access here. You can find public figures you’r familiar with that similar chart placements as you, and look for points of similarity in your lives and experiences.

Additionally, try looking at the charts of friends and family members. As an outside observer, you may find it easier to correlate chart placements with their experiences. Then, you can come back to your chart with fresh eyes and a deeper understand of how the principles work.

Finally, I also offer readings and would be happy to help you understand your chart further. You can book a session with me here. Be sure to use the code NATAL15 for a 15% discount!