Merlin is to the point in his development as a counselor/spiritual teacher that he affects your energetic bodies positively just by being in his presence. The more I work with him, the more it seems that the sky is the limit for healing as well as life possibilities that seemed completely unreachable before. It is truly miraculous. - Rose T

Working with Merlin is like having a direct line to the Ancients themselves. His extensive knowledge of the classical texts made me feel like I was studying the mysteries in an Elysian temple. I felt like I was studying under Plato himself. I knew I was in really good hands. - Kristina B

All I want to say is WOW! The way Merlin connects to the planets is truly felt, appreciated and inspiring. Learning about THE PLANETS stories has brought me so much clarity and joy. I love to be in devotion, gratitude and praise. It feels very alive in me. I cannot thank you enough. - Beth G