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Your name has been added to the list of attendees for the webinar on January 9th at 7pm eastern time.

A zoom link will go out prior to the webinar beginning.

Here’s what you can do to prepare between now and the start of the webinar:

Most importantly, spend some time journaling about waht you feel are your biggest blocks that keep you from feeling truly connected to your life path and purpose.

What sensations do you feel in your body as your try and connect with your life path? Where does the uncertainty live in your physical vessel?

Then, spending some time in meditation reflecting on what exactly you need to know your life path with absolute confidence, and what resources you need to feel blissfully aligned with your life path.

We’ll be covering some magical practices you can do to attract what you need to feel totally abundant and supported, so the more time you can reflect on what exactly you need, the more fruitful the workshop will be for you.