Cazimi in Astrological Magic

Hello everyone! In this video I define cazimi in traditional astrology, and explain how it can be used in astrological magic.

Cazimi occurs whenever a planet is conjoined the Sun within a degree (not 16 minutes). When the planet is so closely conjoined the Sun, it becomes very powerful and gains a great deal of authority in the sky. It is described as being

Naturally, a cazimi planet is an excellent choice for astrological magic. Being “king for a day,” you can evoke a very powerful, exalted version of the planet’s energy to help you in your life.

I also explain in this video that the cazimi energy is far better for cultivating internal, spiritual traits associated with the planet, as opposed to workings that are external or trying to manipulate reality in a specific way. I have found this to be the case in my own astrological magic practice time and time again. Watch the video to hear my reasoning on this.

We have a special moment where Venus will be cazimi the Sun in Libra on a Friday, October 21st. This is a very special window where Venus is not just cazimi, but also essentially dignified in her own rulership on the

This will be an excellent period to do magic for development Venusiasn traits and qualities - compassion and lovingkindness in particular. Venus also helps to make people more charming and considerate. Venus teaches people how to be tactful and diplomatic, and can teach people skills in the art of persuasion. In the air sign of Libra, rhetoric and interpersonal communication skills will also be strengthened by astrological magic to Venus during this window.
