Dealing with Negative Energies as a Magician

Happy early Halloween everyone! I had a lot of positive feedback to an earlier video where I answer the very important question about how we know that astrological spirits are good and have your bests interest in mind. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it here.

I’ve also had a couple respond saying that they’re completely convinced that planetary spirits are helpful and they have no doubt that they’re calling in something good…

…but that still leaves open the possibility that a negative spirit could slip through your ritual while you’re trying to contact a good one. Can that happen? If so, what can I do if it that occurs?

In the spirit of the time of year, I’m answer both of these questions in this video. The short answer to the first question is that it can, but it’s extremely difficult and exceedingly rare. Here’s why:

The setup of a magical ritual as I teach it in my course GNOSIS and in the minicourse Secrets of the seven stars involves gathering together a myriad of objects, incense, and oil that all vibrate very strongly with the energy of the planet you wish to summon. The presence of all these objects in one place vibrating with the energy of your planet will actively push out any negative energies or entities that don’t vibrate at the same level. In this way, your magical altar setup is a massive amount of protection in its own right.

If something does slip in, it’s almost certainly because it was already attached to you in some way, whether from birth, ancestry, past life, etc. That’s the only way most negative spirits could overcome the forcefield of the materia magica.

If you’re new to astrological magic and nervous about something like this, know that everything carries risk. Just like driving a car - you probably won’t get into an accident, but you could. You have to weigh the risks vs. the benefits and decide for yourself.

If something does happen, there are proactive, sure-fire, time-tested things you can do to manage it. It’s really not a big deal - you just troubleshoot it the way you troubleshoot anything else. And I say that as someone with 10 years of ritual magic under my belt who has had to deal with literal necromancers and warlocks throwing all kinds of twisted nonsense at me. I’m fine. You’ll be fine.

And so in the video I also talk about long-term and short-term ways to counteract dealing with negative spirits as a magician. If this is something you’re concerned about, then this video will have enough information to arm you and prepare you in case something does happen.

I hope that you find this video informative and that it assuages your fears and gives you the empowering knowledge you need to step on the path of magic! In 10 years of consistent ritual practice, I’ve never had a problem I couldn’t handle. Just using the techniques I talk about in this video, you’ll be absolutely fine.

In my career as a magician and magical teacher, I’ve dealt with a lot of negative spirits and have had a lot of experience banishing them from the life of my friends and clients. I’ve also had to ward off a lot of black magic sent at me by other practitioners, which is a lot harder to do than banishing some random spirit.

If you feel like you need help with this, you can schedule a reading with me and we can talk about it. Some of my clients come to me specifically for magical and ritual help, and it’s something that I offer in addition to astrology - it’s just not something I advertise too much.

Just specify in the intake form that you want to talk about clearing black magic, and give me some context so I know what to prepare for our session.
