In my understanding of the sign of Aquarius, I always come back to its association in the Tarot: the Star. This card bears associations of clarity, divine healing, and a reconnection to one’s highest self. The woman carries cool water from the realm of the stars and pours it onto the earth to soothe the intensity of embodied living and offer grace for our lessons here.
In just the same way, Aquarius (and very Aquarian individuals) pulls down celestial light and mental inspiration from higher realms to heal the earth and help humanity move forward in a good way.
So what does the Moon do here? Imagine that the Queen of Heaven has ascended to the realm of the fixed stars to see her kingdom from every vantage point, every perspective, every place in the sky. Such is the Moon in Aquarius - a time for fresh perspective, edifying discourse, and a shared vision for just how wonderful everything on earth could be if we just got our thinking straight.
We are fortunate to have a conjunction to Saturn in Aquarius right now. To be sure, this conjunction that the Moon forms to Saturn here can make things a little more challenging and heavy. But the earthy nature of Saturn helps to make the insights and eccentricities of Aquarius more real and tangible too. You will not simply receive pipe dreams without any capacity to act on them. You will be called to act and make the wisdom that comes to you from the Divine into a reality.
The Moon also conjoins Jupiter here. Jupiter will provide expansion, emotional buoyancy, wisdom, positive learning experiences, and maybe even some financial abundance. This is especially true if you have any important placements in this sign, as the Moon will trigger Jupiter’s gifts to actually manifest on the earth.
As always, the Aquarian period can get a little heady and artificial. This is not a warm and fuzzy kind of humanitarianism - that water that the water-bearer pours on us is quite cold. It is easy to forget the messiness of lived experience and rush all too quickly towards ideals and abstractions. Sometimes the Aquarius vibe can cause people to deeply love humanity, but hate the people that they have to deal with on a regular basis.
The Aquarius period can get a little heady. It can be hard to stay grounded sometimes, and there’s a lot of potential to get too wrapped up in ideas and lose sight of reality. This is one way in which the Saturn conjunction is very helpful: Saturn will help keep us grounded and realistic, without getting too lost in the clouds. Be brutally honest with yourself - are there ways in which are you disconnecting from others because of the ideas and opinions you hold? How are you actually making yourself less present and aware by being too attached to your own vision of the world?
There are three squares forming this period, the most problematic being the square to the Sun. This creates roadblocks, tension, obstacles, and general frustration. Things happen much more slowly, and it can be difficult to make headway in life. The squares to Venus and Mercury will make conversation and relating with others more challenging. Aquarius is a social sign, but you may have to do things more on your own for this lunar period. You are being asked to slow down - do things need to happen as quickly as you think?
The Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) says that Aquarius Moon periods are great for love charms. The reasoning behind this is still lost on me, but try it out and see if it works. I simply recommend doing a love spell to draw “someone” to you or bolster a marriage. I don’t recommend casting spells to sway specific people to your will, and Saturn conjoined the Moon here will certainly not support that kind of intention. You may, in fact, get knocked around quite a bit for it.
There are no strong timings for rituals during this period. If you have a practice of calling up a particular astral entity during this time, I would simply encourage you to keep that practice up!
Everything that I tell you here needs to be indexed to your natal chart, especially the house placement of the Moon, any major transits and the time lords in your life. A strong period for one person may be more challenging for another. I am currently taking on new clients for readings, and I would be very happy to walk you through your own chart and astrological weather - book a session with me here!
Astrological Signatures
Entry: Sunday, May 2nd at 3:30pm EDT / 7:30pm UTC.
Departure: Tuesday, May 4th at 10:08pm EDT / Wednesday, May 5th at 2:08am UTC.
Moon in Aquarius: Peregrine. Without any essential dignity and not supported by a sectmate, the Moon is generally less stable. In Aquarius, humanitarianism and ideals come to the fore. Self-growth and personal development for the greater good is a theme here. Your own thought processes and emotional needs may become harder to access as they are eclipsed by other bigger picture considerations which privilege the whole over any individual part.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Air. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness in people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The air element promotes mental stimulation and any activities which involve communication and language, and an air Moon tends to be very chatty and conversational, preferring discussion and the medium of language to anything else.
Moon’s ruler: Conjunction to Saturn in Aquarius. This indicates great support for grounding the Moon’s significations and carrying them through to completion. This is an excellent time to work towards the big picture and chase your dreams.
Relationship to the Sun: Superior Fixed Square to the Sun in Taurus. This is a challenging placement. You will find consistent roadblocks, obstacles, and difficulties coming from outer situations and circumstances to frustrate your will. As is usual with this alignment, just be patient and remember that it won’t be long before these key planets form a positive aspect again.
Superior Fixed Square to Mercury in Taurus. Communication will be stifled, and dialogue between people and the exploration of thoughts and ideas will happen with greater struggle and resistance.
Superior Fixed Square to Venus in Taurus. Interpersonal harmony is weakened, people are less kind and agreeable towards each other.
Conjunction to Jupiter in Aquarius. This will bring in great emotional buoyancy and optimism, as well as potential for financial expansion and abundance and growth. The mood will be brighter and more uplifted, and help is likely to come from teachers and authority figures.