Ground and stabilize - Moon in Taurus 10/3 - 10/5

Timing: The Moon will occupy the sign of Taurus on Saturday the 3rd at 4:12pm until Tuesday October 6th at 5:02am.


Moon in Taurus: This is the moon’s exaltation - a very positive place for the Moon where she and her significations are lifted up and greatly supported. Physical work and care of the body are each very effective during this time. The Moon herself is also more benefic during this period, making this a good time to do lunar magic and workings.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Earth. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.

Moon’s ruler: Venus. The Moon is averse to venus, who is currently in Leo. There is no support provide to the moon from her ruler in order for the work and activity done during this time to go anywhere, or for her own effects to really ground and stabilize. Things could also get a little out of control at times.


  • Opposition to Mercury in Scorpio. Communication wilbe very strained, both between yourself and others and between different aspects of yourself. It will, however, still be possible with a lot more effort, work. and patience. This is not a good time to try and have easy conversation - you may instead find the interchange of ideas and speech to be more challenging.

  • Inferior Earth Trine to Jupiter in Capricorn: Support from Teachers and authority figures. Emotional buoyancy and grace for lessons. Potential for abundance and financial success. Not the greatest amount of support, though, considering Jupiter’s current state in Capricorn.

  • Inferior Earth Trine to Saturn in Capricorn: Light obstacles and roadblocks - ones that are ultimately productive and become learning experiences. Expect a natural sense of caution and greater predisposition for calculating your steps and planning carefully.

Summary: Moon in Taurus has a lot to offer us: physical abundance, propensity for work and persistence, and the opportunity to really nourish and take care of yourself. When the moon cannot see her ruler and doesn’t have much help in the way of aspects, though, you’re best off just focussing on the final one these three options. Don’t try aqnd make anything happen, don’t focus on goals - instead, work to be gentle with yourself, and take a much deserving break from the wilds of the last Aries period.

Have any questions or want to know more about these transits and your natal chart? Book a session with me!