Ahh, Aries! As the Moon enters into this sign, she becomes the Warrior Queen. In this sign, she has a mission and a goal that will benefit not just herself but her entire Queendom. Believe it or not, the Moon traditionally has dignity and power here, since this is the house of the Moon’s sectmate, Mars. Naturally enough, the God of War is subordinate to the Queen of Heaven - battle, wartime, combat, and the merciless pursuit of a goal only function properly when they are indexed to the Good of the collective.
For this reason, the passion and intensity of the Aries Moon period allows us all to identify what we want and then pursue it to the world’s end. Enough being patient, waiting, thinking, feeling, and all that nonsense. Now is the time to take what you want and manifest your desires.
The Moon will form three sextiles during this period, to Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter. Saturn will keep you comparably grounded and help you to stay focused, and the internal strife that he can create in any aspect will be more productive to get you to do the things you’ve been putting off. Jupiter will give you a feeling of exuberance and emotional clarity that helps you to keep your spirits uplifted while you do this work. Mercury will enhance our communicative and discursive abilities, especially given his current essential dignity in the sign of Gemini.
The major downside to this kind of situation is the inevitable burnout that you face when you go really hard for a little while and completely drain yourself. The impulsive and aggressive nature of Aries can excite your passions quickly and make you move forward in life in record time, but before you know it you’ve depleted your adrenals and have left yourself feeling tired and wiped out. Life is a marathon, not a race.
Mars forms a square to the Moon. This is more of a mixed bag than totally problematic, since this is also a mutual reception between these planets - Mars in the Moon’s sign of Cancer, and the Moon in Mars’ sign of Aries. The difficulty here is emotional turbulence, anger, and disruptive experiences that get in the way of accomplishing anything.
The advantage is the proper setting up of boundaries and control to keep others from walking all over you, if you traditionally have an issues with boundaries and standing up for yourself. This can also help people to be more productive and successful.
Consider what can you do during this next few days to stay alert and productive, without compromising any ounce of meditative awareness. How can you ensure that you move through the agitated hustle and bustle of life with an unshakeable peace within your heart?
The PGM (Greek Magical Papyri) tells us that this is an excellent time for fire divination. This takes some practice - if you’re not already in the habit of seeing spirits and energies you may need some practice. Light a fire or a candle and stare into the flame. Let your breath take you into a place of trance. You can set some intentions beforehand to receive answers to specific questions. You may (with a lot of practice ) feel an answer or literally see the answer in the fire.
Remember, everything that I tell you here needs to be indexed to your natal chart, especially the house placement of the Moon, any major transits and the time lords in your life. A strong period for one person may be more challenging for another. I am currently taking on new clients for readings, and I would be very happy to walk you through your own chart and astrological weather - book a session with me here!
Astrological Signatures
Entry: Friday, May 11th at 7:53am EDT / 11:53am UTC.
Departure: Sunday, May 9th at 7:47pm EDT / 11:47pm UTC.
Moon in Aries: Moderate dignity, as this is a place of the Moon’s sectmate, Mars. Aries Moons are fiery and passionate, a great time for getting a lot accomplished and riding the initiative and impulse to succeed at whatever you want. Inspiration and enthusiasm abound, as well as the desire to “conquer” whatever tasks you have set out for yourself. Burnout is always a possibility.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Movable Fire. Movability (Cardinality) indicates brief, quick bursts of activity that are cut short and not seen through as often. The fire element indicates more liveliness and even a little aggression with people’s moods.
Moon’s ruler: Superior Movable Square to Mars in Cancer. There is moderate support for the Moon in grounding her significations into reality. This period should be more stable and less out of control, but you may still find your temper flaring up more often than not.
Relationship to the Sun: Aversion to the Sun in Taurus. This is a neutral placement. Circumstances will not actively support your personal agenda, but they will not go out of their way to hinder you either.
Superior Sextile to Mercury in Gemini. This is an easy, productive period for communication and the use of the mind. Ideas and conversation will flow freely. With the nature of this sextile, exchange of ideas will be most supported.
Inferior Sextile to Jupiter in Aquarius. This current sextile starts a new series of aspects. Next here will be a square when the Moon is in Taurus and then a trine when the Moon is in Gemini. Help will come in through the avenues of teachers and guides. There is emotional buoyancy, and an opportunity for optimism, financial growth, and greater spiritual wisdom.
Inferior Sextile to Saturn in Aquarius. Maturity and realism coming from a firm, stern hand. You will not be immune from sadness and some depression during this time, though it will be lessened through the easy nature of the aspect.