Going deeper - Moon in Scorpio 9/19 - 9/21

Timing: The Moon occupies the sign of Scorpio from Saturday the 19th at 7:32pm UTC to Monday the 21st at 10:31am UTC.


Moon in Scorpio: Fall of the Moon. This is a very challenging placement. The whole world feels a little unsteady. It is difficult to accomplish anything or get anything done. Difficult emotions will continue to arise, and it may be easy to fall into an emotional hole or get stuck in a rut. However, Scorpio Moons are good times to take a pause from work and do introspection, especially into one’s own shadow and the darker parts of the personality that one would rather ignore.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Water. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The water element emphasizes the emotional and inner life, and people tend to prioritize their own inner states and unconsciousness patterns. The atmosphere takes a very reflective tone.

Moon’s ruler: The Moon is averse to her ruler Mars, but this is mitigated by the homozonias or like-engirding relationship they have in virtue of being in signs of the same rulership. Mars provides support to the moon in a hidden way.


  • Inferior Sextile to the Sun in Virgo. Moderate flow and harmony between your own moods and desires and the situations that your environment and context provide for you. Emotional bouyancy and upliftedness will be greater than usual.

  • Inferior movable square to Venus in Cancer. This will help to keep mood uplifted and supported, but it will take a little more work to access it. Friendships and interpersonal harmony will flow freely so long as any initial awkwardness is worked through.

  • Superior Sextile to Jupiter in Capricorn. This brings moderate support from teachers and authority figures. There will be a moderate upliftedness to the moon here, which would generally not be present with the Moon in Scorpio.

  • Superior Sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. This will offset some of the above optimism. You may find difficult experiences coming up that will thwart your agenda or sidetrack you, but they will be minor at best and easily turned into something helpful to you.

Summary: The scorpio moon is a famously bad time to try and make anything happen or be productive. However, this is the best time we have to go inward. We have three sextiles from other planets to help ensure that the work you do during this period is successful, and provide you with allies along the way. Mars as her ruler in Aries ensures that you can make long-lasting, permanent results now. As far as Scorpio moon periods go, this one is fairly positive for doing inner shadow work and the like.

If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!