image credit - Roxana Gabriela, The Metamorphosis of a Chrysalis
The Moon has spent the last two weeks waning in light, ebbing away from her maximal illumination as she returns to her heavenly consort, the Sun. During this lunar de-crescendo, we have been able to rest, restore, and reap the rewards of the previous growth during the last lunar cycle.
Now, the next new moon is almost upon us, and it is time to prepare for the next lunar cycle. This upcoming New Moon occurs in the Moon’s own home sign of Cancer on Friday, July 5th, at 6:57pm eastern time.
New moons indicate new beginnings in astrology. For the past 28 days, the Moon has traversed the zodiac, gathering energies and spirits from the heavens and channeling them down into our world. Having completed her celestial circuit, the Moon is ready for renewal within the fires of the Sun.
Each new moon gives us an opportunity for rebirth alongside the Moon. For this reason, wise people throughout all ages have used new moons as a time for purifying the psyche of unwanted old habits, setting new, uplifting intentions for the next cycle, and reinvigorating ourselves with enthusiasm for life.
For this reason, New Moons are ideal for creating and beginning new projects and ventures. This is why herbalists traditionally plant new seeds around the time of a new Moon. In contrast to the physical seeds of the herbalist, magicians and sorcerers plant metaphorical seeds of intention and desire. Likewise, astrologers use elections to time the inception of new projects and beginning new tasks.
This new Moon occurs under the sign of Cancer – the Moon’s home. Cancer coincides with the month immediately following the summer solstice, when the days are at their brightest and summer has just begun. It is associate with victory, achievement, and golden ages. It is also also with the profound kind of maternal acceptance and openness that the gentleness of this portion of the year gives rise to.
Cancer promotes and supports everything that the moon stands for - nurture, compassion, intuitive skill, as well as celebration and deep acceptance of the present moment. Cancer feels its way through life, listening to one’s inner voice and guidance and responding with openness and compassion to everyone it meets along the way.
When the Moon is reborn in the sign of Cancer, we begin to receive new clarity on insight on what we truly want and desire out of life. It becomes easier to identify living situations, relationships, and material things that provide deeper, soul-nourishing satisfaction and joy. Whatever feels right intuitively becomes the priority. Follow your gut, follow your instinct, follow your flow.
There is strong correspondence between the sign of Cancer and her ruler the Moon, the queen of dreamtime and intuition. Cancer season encourages the exploration of the inner life, the dreamtime, and the unconscious realms. Messages and guidance from the other side frequently arrive around the time of the Cancer new moon. Pay attention to your dreams!
This new moon happens in the second decan of Cancer. It was associated by the Ancient Greeks with Heracles, one of the few mortals who achieved godhood. Heracles was also treated at times as a psychopomp for the souls of those who died in battle - not unlike some lunar deities. The Picatrix calls this a decan of games, wealth, joy, and abundance. This is a decan of achievement, of receiving high blessings from the gods, and of being shown the way. We can all expect good fortune to come to our plans during this lunar cycle.
What do you feel you really truly want and desire out of life? What feels most important to you? What do you want to receive that will help you feel taken care of? How can you surrender into your call and allow your intuition to lead you where you need to go?
Cancer and the Moon are generally considered benefic, constructive energies, associated with things and qualities that people like. But the pampering, accepting qualities of Cancer can also lead to indulgence. Remember that what you truly want for nourishment and healing will not necessarily feel the most comfortable and enjoyable. Your own personal flow will not degenerate into hedonism. If what you are doing doesn’t really lead to healing, it will just create stuckness and inertia, and ultimately is not in real alignment.
This new Moon happens in conjunction with Venus, the goddess of good fortune, love, and harmony. Friendships will become more fruitful and helpful - it is easier to find grace and support coming from other people in your life who love you. This is a good season for finding healing for the physical and emotional bodies.
However, Saturn forms a trine, and Mars forms a sextile, each within 6 degrees. Saturn will bring some (perhaps much-needed) sobriety to bear during this season. Saturn brings hindrances, obstacles, and tends to slow things down. Mars tends to bring aggravation and tension, and a dynamism that can feel stressful at best. But since they are both soft aspects, I can as providing a healthy counterweight to some of Cancer’s at-times fanciful abandon. Allow the malefics to check any delusions and keep yourself grounded.
As always, examine the house in which the Moon conjoins the Sun. If you’re Taurus rising, it will be your 3rd house of community. If Aries rising, then is in your 4th house of home. This will tell you where to expect the most developments in your life to occur during this upcoming lunar cycle.