Timing: The Moon occupies the sign of Capricorn from Thursday the 26th at 6:36pm UTC to Sunday August 30th at 1:36am UTC.
Moon in Capricorn: Detriment of the Moon. The Capricornian emphasis on duty, social cohesion, and work ethic tends to overpower the moon’s emphasis on nurture and self-care. Outer events won’t conspire to make you feel emotionally comfortable; hard work and discipline will be asked of you instead.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Moveable Earth. Movability (cardinality) indicates short and quick bursts of activity that are cut short and not seen through as often. The moon and our own moods, activities, and attention spans tend to flit from one thing to the next. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.
Moon’s ruler: The Moon is conjoined her ruler Saturn in Capricorn. This provides great support to ensure that the Moon’s significations will ground and that the work done during this period will be long-lasting. On its own, the Moon-Saturn earth conjunction can contribute to the negative self-talk present with any configuration to Saturn. Feelings of duty and obligation will be strong.
Inferior Earth Trine from the Sun in Leo. Strong flow and harmony between your own moods and desires and the situations that your environment and context provide for you. Your own intentions and the circumstances that the world provides for you will be very complementary to each other.
Inferior Earth Trine to Mercury in Cancer. Communication will flow much more freely, both between yourself and others and between different aspects of yourself. it will be easier to open dialogue about accomplishing tasks, working, and communicating in such a way productivity is strengthened.
Opposition to Venus in Cancer. Potential for the arts to flourish, and charm and tact to be present between people, but it will take legwork on our parts to turn this into anything. It will not be without its initial roadblocks. There will some tension between duty on the one hand and the desire to relax and enjoy oneself on the other.
Superior Moveable Square to Mars in Aries. This will create strong amounts of tension and frustration. Pushback from other people will be strong, and internal negative programs can become quite loud and intense. I would recommend wearing moonstone or bloodstone to offset some of the difficulties of this transits.
Conjoined Jupiter in Capricorn. This will bring in more emotional buoyancy and optimism than is normally the case with the Moon in Capricorn, but it will be have trouble competing with the mars square and Saturn conjunction. It will keep these other too aspects from becoming too severe.
Summary: We have a potent mix of easy and not-so-easy stuff here. The moon being in detriment forming difficult aspects to both malefics will create a lot of tension and agitation from Mars and anxiety and self-criticism from Saturn. However, the aspects from Venus and Jupiter ensure that help will come from other people, and you will not be alone in the work that you have to do. Coupled with trines from Mercury and the Sun, effective communication and productivity is guaranteed. This is an excellent time to work hard and accomplish a lot, but don’t let yourself get caught up in the drama and unnecessary stress of labor, even if the things you are doing feel very serious. Don’t take yourself to seriously: work with joy instead.
If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!