Keep Focus - Moon in Capricorn 9/24 - 9/26 (Copy)

Timing: The Moon occupies the sign of Capricorn from Wednesday the 21st at 7:43am UTC till friday the 23rd at 1:16pm UTC.

Moon in Capricorn: Detriment of the Moon. The Capricornian emphasis on duty, social cohesion, and work ethic tends to overpower the moon’s emphasis on nurture and self-care. Outer events won’t conspire to make you feel emotionally comfortable; hard work and discipline will be asked of you instead.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Moveable Earth. Movability (cardinality) indicates short and quick bursts of activity that are cut short and not seen through as often. The moon and our own moods, activities, and attention spans tend to flit from one thing to the next. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.

Moon’s ruler: The Moon is conjoined her ruler Saturn in Capricorn. This provides great support to ensure that the Moon’s significations will ground and that the work done during this period will be long-lasting. On its own, the Moon-Saturn earth conjunction can contribute to the negative self-talk present with any configuration to Saturn. Feelings of duty and obligation will be strong.


  • Inferior Moveable Square from the Sun in Libra. This indicates a lack of flow and lack of harmony between your own moods and desires and the environment and circumstances with which you are provided. You will hit roadblocks in enacting your will, and find that what people around you want and what your intentions are do not coincide.

  • Inferior Sextile to Mercury in Scorpio. Conversational flow is strengthened, and interconnection with other people is more likely, though it will take more legwork on your part to access it. Thinking is less clear, and it is easier to make bad decisions..

  • Inferior Earth Trine to Venus in Virgo. Greatly heightened emotional warmth, greater interpersonal kindness. The arts flourish, and people are generally more agreeable towards each other. Harmony between people increases dramatically, and it is easier to do things in tandem with others.

  • Superior Moveable Square to Mars in Aries. This will create strong amounts of tension and frustration. Pushback from other people will be strong, and internal negative programs can become quite loud and intense. I would recommend wearing moonstone or bloodstone to offset some of the difficulties of this transits.

  • Conjoined Jupiter in Capricorn. This will bring in more emotional buoyancy and optimism than is normally the case with the Moon in Capricorn, but it will be have trouble competing with the mars square and Saturn conjunction. It will keep these other too aspects from becoming too severe.

Summary: This is a very busy time - the moon forms an aspect to every single one of the traditional planets. The square from the Sun, conjunction to Saturn and the square from Mars ensure that there will be a lot of hard work and intense movement, and some obstacles to general success. However, the conjunction to Jupiter and the trine from Venus both ensure that this initial difficulty can be overcome, especially if you look to others for help. Thanks to the help from Venus and Mercury, you will be supported by those around you and have an easier time expressing yourself. If you push past the obstacles, you can make a lot of long-lasting, permanent changes during this period.

If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!