If there’s any time you would want aid from the Goddess of Love and Compassion, it’s right now. The Moon is once again entering into her fall in the sign of Scorpio, but this time we have a superior trine from Venus - in her exaltation in Pisces no less. You may have to go through the underworld and let go of your attachments and graspings, but you won’t have to do it alone. Friends and allies can rally around you, and your aesthetic sense can keep you uplifted. Just like Orpheus in the Underworld, use your creative side to carry you through the depths of your unconscious without being lost within it.
The Sun will lift you up here as well. If you surrender yourself to the underworld experience here, you will find forces greater than yourself rallying around you to hold you up. The Moon is also grounding this beautiful Sun-Venus conjunction in Pisces into reality - if there’s ever a time you could seek support from friends and lovers, now would be it.
Everything else right now is downright terrible. Moon in Scorpio was considered to be hell on earth (sorry, Scorpio Moon friends, but you know what I’m talking about…). So much loss, so much letting go, so much emotional turbulence, ebbs and flows, ups and downs, etc. The Buddha had Moon in Scorpio - get ready to see the world the way he did.
By the way, those three lovely trines (from Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury) from last period have tensed into squares. Don’t put yourself out there with your voice anymore - it won’t go as well. You will feel less confidence, and may have some financial setbacks. Saturn will make you feel terrible for just being you, and drudge up painful memories from the past to torture, but also to temper your soul (it just won’t feel like that).
Whatever happens, take comfort in your friends, family, and lover. They will hold you up, and you can all walk through the underworld together.
More of the Via Combusta (the Burnt path) - pretty much all day Wednesday. The Scorpionic side of the Via Combusta is especially notorious for insanity and demonic possession. Now is not the time to spend a night in the local abandoned mental hospital.
The Greek Magical Papyri tells us that the Moon in Scorpio is an excellent period for black magic. We here at do not endorse the use of black magic. But it gives you another lens through which to view what the Scorpio Moon is all about.
Spellwork is not really advised during this period, unless you nataly have a Scorpio Moon. If that’s the case, you may perform workings or castings for releasing attachments and letting go of fear. None of the planetary days -Tuesday through Thursday afternoon - (Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter, respectively)- are greatly placed or supported by the Moon’s placement here.
If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!
Entry: Tuesday, March 2nd at 3:22pm EST / 8:22pm UTC.
Departure: Thursday, March 4th at 5:42pm EST / 10:42pm UTC.
Moon in Scorpio: Fall of the Moon. This is a very challenging placement. The whole world feels a little unsteady. It is difficult to accomplish anything or get anything done in the material sense of things. Difficult emotions will continue to arise, and it may be easy to fall into an emotional hole or get stuck in a rut. However, Scorpio Moons are good times to take a pause from work and do introspection, especially into one’s own shadow and the darker parts of the personality that one would rather ignore.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Water. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness in people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The water element emphasizes the emotional and inner life, and people tend to prioritize their own inner states and unconsciousness patterns. The atmosphere takes a very reflective tone.
Moon’s ruler: Opposition to Mars in Taurus. There is help and support for grounding the Moon’s significations in reality and making long-term plans come to fruition, but it will happen through struggles and obstacles. The Moon-Mars opposition can, on its own, bring tension, anger, and frustration. However, the Moon is also received into her exaltation through Mars, and this will help to offset some of the natural depression of the Scorpio Moon period.
Relationship to the Sun: Superior Water Trine to the Sun in Pisces. There will be harmony between your own desires and intentions and what your environment and circumstances support. Things will not work out more easily that usual.
Superior Fixed Square to Mercury in Aquarius. Last period’s trine has morphed into a square. Challenges around the use of the voice. Trouble with self-expression. You will find it harder to communicate. There may be delays in travel. These troubles will be quite persistent with the fixed nature of the square.
Superior Water Trine to Venus in Pisces. Grace in interpersonal interactions and dialogue. Harmony and agreement between people is heightened, and individuals will be more motivated to get along with each other.
Superior Fixed Square to Jupiter in Aquarius. The trine from the previous period has tensed into a square. You may find hard lessons coming your way from people you respect, or challenges arising to test your personal resolve and conviction. Financial worries may come your way too. All of this can be resolved and made to work in your favor if you confront the issues that arise instead of running away from them. These troubles will be quite persistent with the fixed nature of the square.
Superior Fixed Square to Saturn in Aquarius. The trine from the previous period has tensed into a square. Negative self-talk, rumination, challenges with self-worth and esteem. Confusion and lack of clarity can also be present. It will be difficult to get anything done. These troubles will be quite persistent with the fixed nature of the square.