Motions of the Moon - 5/10 - 5/16
May 10th- 12th - Moon in Capricorn
The Moon enters Capricorn Sunday at 10:38am UTC.
The Moon is in detriment in the sign of capricorn, meaning that she is poorly placed and quite unhappy. Here the Capricornian emphasis on duty, social cohesion, and work ethic tends to overpower the moon’s emphasis on nurture and self-care. Outer events won’t conspire to make you feel emotionally comfortable; hard work and discipline will be asked of you instead. Though she is averse to her ruler Saturn and cannot see him by whole-sign aspect, they form a homozonias or like-engirding relationship in virtue of being in signs ruled by the same planet (Saturn) and so she still has support from him to accomplish her significations. This is an indicator that any hard work put in during this period will be successful.
The 10th sees little action and the moon makes no major aspects. But on the 11th and 12th, the Moon comes close in conjunction to malefic Pluto and a very debilitated Jupiter, neither of which go very far to help the moon’s situation. There is a strong potential for the Pluto-Moon conjunction to bring up a lot of unconscious patterns and behaviors that can overwhelm you and leave you feeling depressed and confused, without much help processing it.
Regarding the jupiter conjunction, while he will desire to help the Moon, there is very little he can do in his fall, about to turn retrograde. In any other situation Moon-Jupiter would provide emotional bouyancy and good fortune, but I would not expect these things to come easily - only as rewards for hard work and labor. You may also find a helping hand or some kind of support from the universe come in to aid you through whatever emotional or interpersonal gunk that Pluto brings up - perhaps something happens that would depress you, but for some reason you decide not to entertain the depression.
The one positive here is the waning trine to the Sun. This indicates general alignment and harmony between what the world and your environment are offering you (the moon) and one’s own intentions and desires (the sun) Though hard work and intense labor will be demanded of you, there is potential for the work that you do to be very successful.
May 12th - 14th - Moon in Aquarius
After leaving her detriment in Capricorn the Moon becomes peregrine in Aquarius at 4:38pm UTC. The moon in Aquarius has some similarity to the moon in Capricorn: sacrificing one’s own needs comes up again as it did in Capricorn, only this time it’s for more humanitarian, idealistic pursuits, and less about practical reasons such as social cohension as it was beforehand. Self-growth and personal development for the greater good is a theme here. Your own thought processes and emotional needs may become harder to access as they are eclipsed by other bigger picture considerations which privelage the whole over any individual part.
Right off the bat the moon forms a conjunction to Aquarius’ ruler Saturn. The positive part of this is that this gives the Moon a lot of support. Whatever the moon signifies will have more of a chance of grounding and becoming a reality – it won’t just be a pipe dream, since the moon’s host is there to concretize and actualize her significations. This also helps to ensure that the painful and difficult sides of the moon being in Aquarius don’t get out of hand. The difficult side of this is that learning some kinds of difficult lessons around your spiritual path and experiencing ego death is unescapable with the Moon- Saturn conjunction, so buckle up!
One positive that is coming from this moon in Aquarius placement is the trine to Venus – you may find unexpected grace come in the way of helpful words from other people, or a slight increase in your financial situation. Friends will be more likely to rally to your side over these few days. Artists and musicians may find more creative inspiration as well.
May 15th-16th - Moon in Pisces
After the moon travels through Saturn’s two signs, she reenters into Pisces,the feminine, yin domicile of Jupiter, at 2:24am UTC.
The moon in Pisces is a much more positive placement. As a triplicity lord of Water signs, she has some dignity here. This is an excellent day for emotional exploration and self-care. Free-form journaling, walks that have no specific destination in mind, and other practices or rituals that help you to get in touch with your own emotional center will be greatly supported here. Visions may also come to you, as Pisces is by far the zoidion which is most overtly connected to the other side.
The Moon forms a sextile to her ruler, Jupiter, which indicates success in the actions that are done during this time - there is greater potential for the emotional work you do to take you far. The emotional and inner work you do during this time has the potential to be long-lasting, especially considering the earth-sign placement of The moon’s lord, Jupiter. However, the retrograde nature of Jupiter means that any concrete work of this kind - interpersonal relationships especially - will not be as successful as more solitary, inward exploration. Spiritual cultivation, and letting go of control in life, is more emphasized now. The square to Mercury also indicates some troubles with interpersonal communication here.
It can be easy to get caught up in your own emotional process in Pisces. This will be intensified by the conjunction to Neptune, which brings a level of delusion, illusion, and cloudiness to whatever it touches. Be mindful on the 16th when the conjunction becomes exact that you don’t get too lost in your own experience and perceptions, and strive to come back to reality.
The moon conjoins mars on the 15th. We may all have difficulties with anger and frustration during this time, or some events or situations arising that stir one’s ire. It will be easier to lose our temper and lash out with our words, especially with the sextile to Mercury in Aries here. It is important to keep a cool head during these day, and not give into any emotionally chaotic explosions which could easily happen in Pisces. On the positive side, the conjunction to the moon will create more energy and drive, and you will probably be more productive during these next few days. Use the anger and frutration as momentum to get in touch with the deeper mechanics behind your emotional processes
As always, if you have any questions or would like to explore this more thoroughly in your own natal chart, feel free to book a session with me. I would be more than happy to explore this transit with your in more detail.