May 3rd- Moon in Virgo
We start this week with the Moon continuing her journey through the sign of Virgo. As I said last week, Virgo moons are on their own generally good times to get your ducks in a row and sort your life out. Cleaning, organizing, and doing activities which lead to more control and mastery over the details of your life is more successful here. Doing taxes or payroll – really anything involving details and precision – will be more successful now.
The moon is peregrine here, and since Mercury is currently of the daytime sect she is not hosted by a sect mate either. So the moon herself will not be as benefic. This will be a harder time to self-care and emotional exploration which the moon generally desires. It will be easier to get stuck in one’s head, and making mistakes in reasoning is more likely.
The moon’s trine to her host Mercury separated yesterday, though today they are still in aspect by whole sign. When a planet forms a traditional aspect to a a sign, classical astrologers say that it can “see” the sign. Since Mercury can “see” his place of rulership, he can “keep an eye on things” and make sure that nothing gets out of hand. This helps to ensure that any difficulties or problems related to the moon’s ill-placement do not have any long-lasting or permanent effects. This also means that she will have help in manifesting her significations and ensuring that the work done during this time is successful.
The moon’s trine to the sun also separated yesterday, though they still aspect each other by whole sign aspect. A sun-moon trine indicates that your outer circumstances will be more overtly supportive and helpful towards you. If you fall down, you won’t hurt yourself. If you make a mistake, others will be more forgiving. This is especially positive considering that the moon is currently waxing, making this a great time to begin new projects and get the ball rolling on new ventures.
The moon also forms a trine to Jupiter, which will provide some measure of emotional buoyancy and groundedness during this time too. Authority figures may be more helpful and supportive of you for the duration of the moon’s stint in Virgo.
May 4th – 5th – Moon in Libra
The moon leaves Virgo and enters into Libra May 4th 8:09am UTC. Libra Moons are excellent periods for meetings, discussions, research, and conversations that require diplomacy and tact. The air sign quality of Libra promotes mental and verbal activity, especially the kind that happens in interpersonal settings. Due to the moveable (cardinal) quality of Libra, this will be less a time for beginning long-lasting projects, as things begun during this time will be quickly broken off and ended.
She forms an auspicious trine to her ruler Venus on the 5th. This period will promote the arts, dance, and music, and people who make a living in one of these avenues will find their work more supported during this time. Dialogues and discussions will be more productive and successful, especially ones that involve tossing ideas around and weighing options.
The moon forms a trine to both of the malefics, Saturn and Mars. She forms her aspect to Saturn early in the morning of the 4th and this could indicate roadblocks and difficult emotions popping up that get in the way of productivity, but ones that can be transmuted and turned into something supportive and helpful, instead of merely weighing you down. The trine to the Mars on the following day with create some issues with temper, and people may generally be a little more on edge with each other, though the positive nature of the trine will make this easier to turn back into drive to accomplish things.
The square to Pluto on the 5th is more difficult, and more overtly negative and malefic. Difficult emotions that are harder to handle may be dredged up, and depression or anxiety may plague you, especially if you are already prone to them. Unexpected events may arise that keep you from acting on your plans.
May 6th – 7th – Moon in Scorpio
The moon enters into her fall in Scorpio May 6th at 8:04am UTC. The Moon becomes very debilitated whenever she occupies Scorpio. It is difficult to accomplish anything or get anything done. Difficult emotions will continue to arise, and it may be easy to fall into an emotional hole or get stuck in a rut. However, Scorpio moons are good times to take a pause from work and do introspection, especially into one’s own shadow and the darker parts of the personality that one would rather ignore.
She forms a square to her ruler Mars. This is bad insofar as a malefic square can create more difficulties in processing emotions and making anything successful happen in the world. We are all more prone to arguments, especially given the square between Mercury and Mars. But this is good since Mars hosts the Moon here: any reflective work, emotional processing, or shadow integration done during this time will be quite successful.
Before the moon forms her square to Mars, she squares Saturn. Listen folks, this Moon-in-Scorpio period will just be rough. More difficulties, more roadblocks. Just stay inside and meditate - that’s my advice to you.
This is a full moon. Whenever the moon comes 15 degrees before or after the exact opposition to the sun, she is said to be weakened and devoid of power. Your environment and context will provide you with little support for activities during this time, though again, the full moon is very beneficial for letting go and releasing old patterns, habits, and relationships. You can read more about the full moon here
We are fortune enough to have a sextile from Jupiter, bringing in some joy and optimism during this time. But the fact that Jupiter is highly debilitated in his fall in Capricorn conjoined Pluto, and the sextile is the weakest of the aspects makes the help minimal. This will serve to keep this Scorpio moon period from being downright terrible, though it won’t do anything to make it great.
May 8th – 9th Moon in Sagittarius
The moon leaves her detriment and enters into Sagittarius on the 8th at 8:15am UTC. The moon is peregrine here, wholly dependent on the significations of her host Jupiter. But this placement is by no means bad. She tends to encourage big picture thinking, creative expansion, and broadening of experience during this time. The timbre is optimistic and hopeful. This is a good day for pushing your boundaries, getting out of your comfort zone, and trying new things.
Unfortunately, she does not form an aspect to her sign ruler Jupiter and so doesn’t have much help in the way of manifesting or grounding what she signifies. This is a good day for brainstorming and tossing ideas around, but not necessarily a great day for getting anything major done that will have long-term effects. She is also received into her detriment by the fact that Jupiter is in Capricorn, which will make this Sagittarius periods (and all of them until Jupiter leaves Capricorn next year, for that matter) less overtly optimistic and expansive than usual.
The Moon forms few noteworthy aspects during this period. She is averse to both benefics, meaning that she aspects neither of them by a whole-sign traditional aspect. The sextiles that she forms to the malefics are weak - expect some slight obstacles in achieving your goals, but don’t expect them to hold you back for long or keep you down in any permanent way.