Motions of the Moon - 6/28 - 7/4/2020


June 28th - 29th - Moon in Libra

The Moon leaves Virgo and enters into Libra at 3:37pm UTC. Libra Moons are excellent periods for meetings, discussions, research, and conversations that require diplomacy and tact. The air sign quality of Libra promotes mental and verbal activity, especially the kind that happens in interpersonal settings. Due to the moveable (cardinal) quality of Libra, this will be less a time for beginning long-lasting projects, as things begun during this time will be quickly broken off and ended.

She forms an auspicious trine to her ruler Venus on the 5th. This period will promote the arts, dance, and music, and people who make a living in one of these avenues will find their work more supported during this time. Dialogues and discussions will be more productive and successful, especially ones that involve tossing ideas around and weighing options. Venus’ retrograde period by now is over! She will just finish stationing, and will begin slowly moving forward in the sky again. This is a noteworthy period for her, and helps to strengthen the Moon while she occupies this sign. Compared to the last two times that the Moon was in Libra with Venus retrograde, this period will be far more productive.

However, the Moon squares the sun this week, which can make things a little less smooth. The sun-moon square indicates general tension between our desires and intentions (the Sun) and what our environments and situations will support (the moon). The Sun is calling more for personal nourishment and self-care, and you will feel this especially strongly if you have planets in Cancer natally. The moon in libra, on the other hand, privileges interpersonal connection, thoughts and ideas, and group dynamics over emotional well-being. You may find yourself being strongly pulled out of your comfort zone in your interactions will other.

Some of this tension is compounded by the fact that she forms a wide-orbed trine to Saturn during her stint in Libra. This will be the last time she trines Saturn in Libra until he returns in late December. The Saturn trine could create some surmountable obstacles, ones that get in your way but very quickly provide useful lessons for you to work with. Hard work will be rewarded, and any work that acknowledges that one-on-one, social nature of Libra will be especially rewarded.

The square to Pluto on the 29th is more difficult, and more overtly negative and malefic. Difficult emotions that are harder to handle may be dredged up, and depression or anxiety may plague you, especially if you are already prone to them. Unexpected events may arise that keep you from acting on your plans. The Moon will be void of course after the square to Pluto perfects, which will contribute to some difficulties and unproductivity on this day. Fortunately, The Venus trine will also help to keep things light.


June 30th - July 1st - Moon in Scorpio

Late at night on the 29th at 11:47pm UTC, the Moon enters into her fall in Scorpio. The Moon becomes very debilitated whenever she occupies Scorpio. It is difficult to accomplish anything or get anything done. Difficult emotions will continue to arise, and it may be easy to fall into an emotional hole or get stuck in a rut, and the sextile to Pluto will turn up the volume on this sort of thing. However, Scorpio Moons are good times to take a pause from work and do introspection, especially into one’s own shadow and the darker parts of the personality that one would rather ignore.

The moon is averse to her ruler Mars who is in Aries, but this debility is mitigated by the fact that she forms a homozonias or like-engirding relationship with her ruler, since they are both in Mars-ruled signs. This is helpful: any reflective work, emotional processing, or shadow integration done during this time will be quite successful, though it may be more explosive at times given the fiery nature of Mars’ current placement. You will be more driven to work through whatever comes up for you and make the best of it. People in generally will find themselves less easily bogged down by the turbulent emotional waters of Scorpio, and more inclined to use them to facilitate positive personal growth. You may have more energy during these days as well.

The best thing we have going for us is the trine to the Sun, as the watery, emotive nature of Scorpio corresponds much more easily with the energy of Cancer. This will guarantee a kind of balance and harmony regarding the emotional labor being asked of you - you will find yourself with enough support during this time to get through without any major difficulties. Your environment will encourage this kind of work, and you will be more open and receptive to engaging in it.

The Moon also forms a trine to Mercury in Cancer, which will make communication of these kinds of watery, emotional states much easier. This is a good time to process things with other people, and plunge the depths of your emotional self with allies and friends. The retrograde nature of Mercury will help to make these conversations much more spiritual in tone, as opposed to being more practical.

We are fortune enough to also have a sextile from Jupiter, bringing in some joy and optimism during this time. But the fact that Jupiter is highly debilitated in his fall in Capricorn conjoined Pluto, and the sextile is the weakest of the aspects makes the help minimal. You may find it help to seek guidance from teachers and mentors - all ruled by Jupiter - during this time. This will serve to keep this Scorpio Moon period from being downright terrible, though it won’t do anything to make it great.

July 2nd - 3rd - Moon in Sagittarius

The moon leaves her fall and enters into Sagittarius on the 2nd at 2:20am UTC. The moon is peregrine here, wholly dependent on the significations of her host Jupiter. But this placement is by no means bad. She tends to encourage big picture thinking, creative expansion, and broadening of experience during this time. The timbre is optimistic and hopeful. This is a good day for pushing your boundaries, getting out of your comfort zone, and trying new things.

Unfortunately, she does not form an aspect to her sign ruler Jupiter and so doesn’t have much help in the way of manifesting or grounding what she signifies. This is a good day for brainstorming and tossing ideas around, but not necessarily a great day for getting anything major done that will have long-term effects. She is also received into her detriment by the fact that Jupiter is in Capricorn, which will make this Sagittarius periods less overtly optimistic and expansive than usual. It will be the same story each time the Moon occupies Sagittarius until Jupiter leaves Capricorn early next year.

The Moon forms a trine to Mars during this period, which wil create a lot of drive and enthusiasm to accomplish things, but also a lot of excess energy, especially given the fact that this is a fire-sign trine. Your temper will be more likely to flare up, especially concerning situations involving your emotions and past, given the watery nature of Mars currently. On the positive side, you may feel more drive and incentive to move energy forward in your life, especially regarding friendships, and this is a good time for gentle confrontation and practicing nonviolent communication.

July 4th - Moon in Capricorn

If you’re not a very patriotic person, you’ll be pleased to know that the Moon will be in Capricorn on July fourth, and so the parties won’t go very well, and the general atmosphere will be a lot more dour. If you are a patriotic person, oh well!

The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, meaning that she is poorly placed and quite unhappy. Here the Capricornian emphasis on duty, social cohesion, and work ethic tends to overpower the moon’s emphasis on nurture and self-care. Outer events won’t conspire to make you feel emotionally comfortable; hard work and discipline will be asked of you instead.

Though she is averse to her ruler Saturn and does not form a whole-sign aspect to him, they form a homozonias or like-engirding relationship since Saturn is in his home of Aquarius. As a result, she still has support from him to accomplish her significations. This is an indicator that any hard work put in during this period will be successful.

The moon forms an opposition to the Sun during her time here, AKA a full moon. Full moons on there own can be somewhat unsteady periods - people get a little crazy, tensions and emotions run high, and everything feels a little on edge. Accompanying this is a great catharsis, and a wonderful opportunity to release and let go of things. Ceremonies focussed around releasing will be especially fruitful. The spirits themselves are more present and easily accessible, making this a good time for divination as well. Capricorn gives this an extremely grounded, practical tone. You may find some of your daily patterns becoming quite disrupted, as our earthy structures go on the fritz and begin to break down. Make sure to bring ritual and order into whatever ceremony or divination that you do, as that will by far be the most in line with the energy of Capricorn.

A lot of this will be intensified by the Moon-mars Square. When you have a very strong, powerful MArs in Aries squaring a very debilitated Moon in Capricorn, people tend to get grumpy at best and quite angry at worst. The kind of very passionate this-is-how-things-must-be attitude will take over a lot of people. Control issues will abound, especially people with natal capricorn planets. Think of a grumpy dad who is fighting to get things to go according to plan and mad at the rest of the family for not trying as hard as he is, and you’ll have a good sense of what this moon-mars square will be like.

The Moon comes close in conjunction to malefic Pluto and a very debilitated Jupiter the following week, neither of which go very far to help the moon’s situation. There is a strong potential for the Pluto-Moon conjunction to bring up a lot of unconscious patterns and behaviors that can overwhelm you and leave you feeling depressed and confused, without much help processing it.

Regarding the Jupiter conjunction, while he will desire to help the Moon, there is very little he can do in his fall and retrograde. In any other situation Moon-Jupiter would provide emotional bouyancy and good fortune, but I would not expect these things to come easily - only as rewards for hard work and labor. You may also find a helping hand or some kind of support from the universe come in to aid you through whatever emotional or interpersonal gunk that Pluto brings up - perhaps something happens that would depress you, but for some reason you decide not to entertain the depression.

As always, if you have any questions or would like to explore this more thoroughly in your own natal chart, feel free to book a session with me. I would be more than happy to explore these transits with you in more detail.