We should now find ourselves in a similar period as when the Moon occupied Libra a few days ago: All the squares have eased into sextiles, which, though not as powerful and positive as the trines, do create for some ease and moderate levels of flow and easy-goingness.
One of these sextiles is to the Moon’s ruler, and another is to the Sun. Both of these are auspicious, creating a lot of excellent opportunities for you to see your will through and be supported along the way. Additionally, the sextiles from both Mercury and Venus create a lot of strong potential to find support from other people in your life. Friends and allies should rally around and support you during this period, even if that support means they’re being honest with you about what you could do better. In any case, this period will be a well-deserved respite after the previous Scorpio Moon period.
Astrological Signatures
Entry: Friday February 5th at 12:17pm EST / 5:17pm UTC.
Departure: Sunday February 7th at 3:51pm EST / 8:51pm UTC
Moon in Sagittarius: Peregrine. This is a neutral placement, leaning a bit more towards the negative. The Moon has no essential dignity and is not in the place of a sectmate. On the plus side, she tends to encourage big picture thinking, creative expansion, and broadening of experience during this time. The timbre is optimistic and hopeful. This is a good day for pushing your boundaries, getting out of your comfort zone, and trying new things.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Bicorporeal Fire. Bicorporeality indicates activities and moods which are a mean between the extremes of movability (cardinality) and fixedness, not as erratic and changing as the former, but not as solid and steady as the latter. The fire element indicates the realm of spirit and ideals, and the Moon in a fire sign often expresses more enthusiasm, spontaneity, and creative, heart-centered expression.
Moon’s ruler: The Moon forms a Superior Sextile to Jupiter in Aquarius. There is moderate support for the Moon in grounding her significations, and the groundedness of long-term plans will come about fairly easily.
Relationship to the Sun: The Moon forms a Superior Sextile to the Sun in Aquarius. There is moderate support and harmony between the outer world and your own inner intentions, making for a very positive period all-around.
Superior Sextile to Mercury in Aquarius. This is an easy, productive period for communication and the use of the mind. Ideas and conversation will flow freely. With the nature of this sextile, conversation and the exchange of ideas will be most supported.
Superior Sextile to Venus in Aquarius: Interpersonal harmony flourishes. You will find help and aid coming from other people, and people will, in general, be friendlier with each other. The Moon has great help grounding her significations in reality.
Superior Sextile to Saturn in Aquarius. Hard lessons that come through which effectively push people closer towards maturity and wisdom. Difficult experiences that teach you something profound and ultimately make you thankful for them. Slightly greater propensity for rumination and thought-loops, with the nature of the sextile.
If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!