New Moon in Aquarius - Elevate the Tribe

In my last forecast, I wrote about releasing safety blankets, relinquishing emotional crutches and attachments to behaviors, people, etc. that nurture you, but hold you back in some way from fulfilling your life’s calling.

This is a big ask - it’s not an easy thing to do. Chances are that in your attempts let go of that which does not serve you, you have had some wins and some losses. For our purposes, what matters more than your success is the realization and acceptance that these things exist that you would like to release.

Wherever you stand in your process, the astrological energies are pressing on, and our current waning moon season is about to change into a waxing moon season with the new moon. More specifically, we’re moving from the Cancer-Capricorn axis into the Leo-Aquarius axis. New topics will come to the fore, new themes will arise, and new lessons will greet you.

This new moon occurs on February 1st at 12:44am Eastern Time. New moons indicate new beginnings in astrology. The Moon has spent the last 30 days collecting and gathering energies and spirits from the heavens into herself, transmitting them to our plane and birthing them into the world. Filled with the light of the heavens, the Moon is ready for rebirth in the fires of the Sun.

We all have a very special opportunity here to be reborn alongside the Moon. Magically speaking, the obscured moon can be likened to a fallow field – an empty bed rife with possibility and potential. Old patterns and alignments become cleared and new ones are ready to take their place.

So as you are reflecting on the past two weeks, considering the health of your mental, emotional, and spiritual life, and perhaps even considering the current state of your attachment to those safety blankets I spoke of earlier…

…ask yourself what kind of changes you would like to see made in your life. If you could ride a rocket towards a new direction in your life, where would you like to go? Take this as an opportunity to set intentions and birth something new in your life.

This new moon will occur in the sign of Aquarius, the daytime, fixed air sign of Saturn. Being an air sign, Aquarius has a strong intellectual and social leanings. Aquarius is most concerned with what could be and even what should be – it sees the ideal, the platonic form, and will communicate this vision to those who can enact it on earth. These ideals often translate into humanitarianism, a trait that this sign is famous for.

The social and collective focuses of Aquarius come to the fore quite strongly when the Moon, who rules people groups and collectives, occupies this sign. For this reason, Whenever the new moon occurs in Aquarius, social and even civic responsibilities tend to come to the fore.

You may have already found yourself having to put aside your own personal needs and wants for the sake of some greater whole. The universe asks you to be of service in ways that are needed, but not necessarily personally rewarding. This collective responsibility could be quite literal - I just got called into jury duty!

For some of you, this focus on duty and responsibility may seem suspiciously similar in flavor to the general bent of Capricorn. Since both these signs are ruled by Saturn, a strong sense of duty and obligation comes to the fore. In the case of Capricorn, the duty is geared towards work and labor; in the case of Aquarius, towards respecting and maintaining integrity of the commons and all the people we affect.

Saturn also just so happens to form the only aspect to the Moon for this new moon, and he forms a pretty close one within about 3 degrees. For classical astrologers and magicians, Aquarius was the daytime home of Saturn. Aquarius represents the part of Saturn that can use this connection to the other side as a conduit and portal for insights, inspiration, and ideals to reveal themselves to us from the heavenly realms.

Saturn in Aquarius allows us to enter into these heavenly realms – not to stay there, but to bring something back that will heal humanity and move our society forward. Selflessness is a big theme here, as we do not make this journey for ourselves, but for something greater than us and beyond us.

Because the energy of this new Moon is so strongly inundated with Saturn and Aquarius energy, the strongest intentions for this new moon will be ones that consider the duties and responsibilities that we have to all of humanity. You can expect that Saturn will privilege and reward intentions and desires set during this new moon that are not merely selfish.

Think of how you can change yourself and improve your own life for the sake of those around you. Elevate the whole tribe of Humanity. What can you do now that will bring joy to the people in your life and ease their lives? What kinds of intentions can you set, such that everyone benefits?

If you choose not to simply make this new Moon about you…if instead you prioritize honoring your place with the network of relationships in the Cosmos…

…Saturn will reward you with blessings that strengthen you and everyone in your life.

Own your power.
