This new moon occurs on March 2nd. New moons indicate new beginnings in astrology. For the past 28 days, the Moon has traversed the zodiac, gathering energies and spirits from the heavens and channeling them down into our world. Having completed her celestial circuit, the Moon is ready for rebirth within the fires of the Sun.
As the Moon undergoes her rebirth in solar fire, we can all undergo as well. Magically speaking, the obscured moon can be likened to a fallow field – an empty bed rife with possibility and potential. Old patterns and alignments become cleared and new ones are ready to take their place.
This New Moon occurs in Pisces. Pisces has strong associations with the ending of winter and the final cries of the cold and dark before the overtaking of the warm light of springtime. It carries strong connotations of faith and hope that things will ultimately improve, the light will triumph, and good will win out, even if this victory has not happened yet.
Because of this, Pisces carries connotations of mysticism and the contemplative life. Spiritual awareness and insight and nondual states of experience are classically associated with the Sign of Pisces. Psychic and magical experiences are also much more common in natives with Pisces energy in their chart.
Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the lord of all spiritual authority and inner connection to the Divine. In Pisces, we see Jupiter’s role as the mystic - one who has totally unified the personal self with the Divine self, and sits in contemplative stillness of its true nature as the flow underneath all things. Being ruled by Jupiter, Pisces is often considered a benefic, positive sign, and one that brings spiritual and sometimes even financial growth.
If you want to know more about Pisces, I’ve discussed the meaning of it at length in the previous Sun in Pisces post.
As the Moon rules the emotional life, environment, and circumstances that surrounds an individual’s spirit, her placement within the watery home of Jupiter greatly increases one connection to Jupiter’s optimism and trust in the inherent goodness of the universe, the inevitable victory of goodness, and the fundamental faith in the goodness of those around them.
Her rebirth in this sign will allow us all to a felt sense of hope and optimism that things will work out for the best - the light will be renewed within us after the trials and darkness of winter.
Natives with this placement often have an inexpressively complex emotional life, a great level of sensitivity, and oftentimes a penchant for dreamwork and psychic development. As the Moon is reborn in this sign, your own dreams, intuitive impulses, and emotional reactions will speak much more loudly to you than usual. You may even find the cultivation of magical faculties to be augmented during this time.
Greater intuitive capacity, alongside the hope and trust in oneself and the universe are the positives this placement. Downsides include the intense fluctuations of moods, and the overwhelming cascade of emotional and internal drama. You may at times feel like you are swimming in circles.
Fortunately, I believe the positives will be much stronger, as we are very fortunate to have Jupiter forming a conjunction to the Moon within several degrees of the degree of the New Moon. This provides a great deal of stability and groundedness to the Moon’s significations. The emotions and impressions may be running high, but you won’t become ungrounded. You will be stable. It will all work out for the best.
From an electional perspective, Jupiter’s conjunction to the Moon makes this an auspicious time for magic, especially related to effecting grounded, stable, long-lasting change within your life. This is the first aspect that the Moon will make for this new lunar cycle, so the presence of Jupiter essentially dignified in this way will be quite strong. Lots of Jupiterian growth will abound. Don’t expect the growth to be financial, though, because Jupiter is currently quite combust by the Sun.
For those of you who were frustrated with me talking about setting intentions regarding social responsibility and collective flourishing the past few months, you will be pleased to know that I am prescribing a more internal focus for one’s desires and intentions for this New Moon. Focus on cultivating and nourishing your inner talents. Listen to your dreams. Engage in consistent spiritual practices that develop intuitive capacity. Be the mystic swimming in deep waters.
It is not lost on me that a war is currently going on. While the watery, Jupiterian nature of this new moon has led me to prioritize the inner, contemplative sides of this new moon, there is an external, geopolitical dimension (known as mundane astrology) to this New Moon as well.
I am in the process of writing a post on the current geopolitical situation, related to this Venus and Mars configuration within Capricorn. It will be out in the next few days.
For now, I will say that the astrological signification of the war is indicated by the applying conjunction of Venus and Mars within the sign of Capricorn. The Moon forms a sextile to this configuration a day or so after the new Moon. In doing so, the Moon will function as a catalyst or trigger for this situation, sparking a major new development in the next few days.
I’m aware that I’m not really breaking any ground or saying anything interesting by proclaiming that there will be a major development to this whole war situation in the next few days, but I am proclaiming it nonetheless. I tentatively think that this development will be positive, given the positive placement of the Moon, the aspect from Jupiter, and the positive nature of the sextile. Again, more on that later.
Given Pisces’ strengths regarding magical power, and the Moon’s current application to a conjunction with Jupiter in Jupiter’s own sign, this is an excellent time to work benefic, white magic. The waxing moon favors magical work that focuses on generating some new effect or change in the world. Because of this, this is an extremely astrology auspicious time to send prayers to those who are suffering.
Identify your own needs, and follow your own intuitions, but leave your space in your magic this new moon for those currently suffering from the calamity of a 20th century style war.