Social Friction - May 13th Daily Horoscope
The Moon continues her journey through Libra today, placing greater emphasis on the noetic and mental realms. Language, conversation, and dialogue are all supported – people become more chatty and social.
Today the Moon opposes Venus in Aries, which will bring tension to interpersonal relationships of any kind. Arguments and heightened emotions are much more common.
The Moon also trines Saturn in Aquarius, which will bring obstacles to certain areas of life that ultimately guide us in a better direction.
The Moon is opposing Venus in your 1st house. This can create a lot of impulsivity, and encourage you to desire and chase after things that aren’t actually going to be good for you.
Fortunately, Saturn activated by trine in your 11th house ensure that friends and allies in your life help keep you grounded – listen to what they have to say.
The Moon activates Venus in your 12th house today. You may desire and seek after a lot of solitude today, but it may not give you the comfort you are seeking.
While Saturn is activated by trine in your 10th house, your career and sense of purpose in life will see some positive growth and development today, and also help keep you grounded and stable.
The Moon forms an opposition to Venus in your 11th house. Friendships can be tricky today – they may lead you astray from more important things that you should be attending to.
While Saturn is activated in your 9th house, your personal studies, spiritual practices, and any other activities you are engaged in for broadening your consciousness will bring you a lot of support today.
The Moon is activating Venus in your 10th house by opposition. You may feel drawn to put a lot of energy into your career or work, but it won’t ultimately be fruitful to do so today.
Instead, the Moon’s trine to Saturn in your 8th house indicates that more occult, spiritual pursuits such as dreamwork and journeywork will be more effective today.
The Moon is opposing Venus in your 9th house. You may want to put a lot of time an energy into personal studies, spiritual practices, or any activities that open your mind and broaden your horizons, but you won’t find much success in it.
While the Moon trines Saturn in your 7th house, you will find more support from romantic partnership, one-on-one relationships, and close friends.
The Moon activates Venus in your 8th house today. Anxieties and fears can become stirred up today, and you may feel very drawn to dedicate a lot of time to working through it, but it ultimately won’t help you to do so.
Instead, Saturn’s activation by trine in your 6th house points towards more success and reward coming from work job-related activities. It’s less fun, but will grant more ultimate rewards.
The Moon forms an opposition to Venus in your 7th house. Relationships and romantic partners may beguile you today. You won’t find much support from them, and they can distract you.
While Saturn is activated in your 5th house, personal projects and activities engaged in solely for enjoyment and pleasure will be much more worthwhile.
The Moon is opposing Venus in your 6th house. You may be enticed to work hard and put in a lot of effort at your job, but you won’t get the rewards you’re expecting.
While Saturn is activated in your 4th house, home and family concerns in your life may feel heavier, but you will ultimately find a lot of good fortune by putting time into these more personal areas of life, as opposed to 6th house matters.
The Moon activates Venus in your 5th house today. You may want to devote yourself more towards leisure, relaxation, and creative pursuits today, but you won’t make much progress, or find much enjoyment in these activities today.
As Saturn is activated by trine in your 3rd house, local communities and friendships will provide you with more long-lasting success than 5th house matters. This is a good day to be social and engaged with other people.
The Moon forms an opposition to Venus in your 4th house. You may want to spend more time at home, but you won’t actually get the comfort and pleasure you’re looking for by doing so.
Instead, while the Moon trines Saturn in your 2nd house, you will be best off devoting yourself to work, managing your finances, and taking concrete strides to gain more control over your life.
The Moon is opposing Venus in your 3rd house. Community relationships, close personal networks, and sibling relations may provide some distractions from your purpose and mission in life today.
However, Saturn is activated by trine in your 1st. You have important self-care work to engage in today. Journaling, meditation, and spiritual practice will all provide you with a lot of insight.
The Moon opposes Venus in your 2nd house. Be careful about what you do with finances today, as this alignment can cause people to overspend and ultimately experience buyer’s remorse.
While Saturn is activated in your 12th house, you will find good fortune and support from solitary experience. Retreats and extended spiritual practice will offer you long-lasting results.
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