Timing: The Moon will occupy the sign of taurus on Monday the 10th at 2:27am UTC until Wednesday the 12th at 2:45pm UTC.
Moon in Taurus: This is the moon’s exaltation - a very positive place for the Moon where she and her significations are lifted up and greatly supported. Physical work and care of the body are each very effective during this time. The Moon herself is also more benefic during this period, making this a good time to do lunar magic and workings.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Earth. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The earth element emphasizes the physical body and propensity for work, and the Moon in an earth sign often expresses more practicality, groundedness, and a concern for the material world.
Moon’s ruler: Venus. The Moon forms a sextile to venus, who is currently in Cancer. This forms a mutual reception - an indication of great strength and opportunity. This period will be very productive, and there is a great amount of support provided from the moon’s ruler in order to ground and support her significations here.
Superior Fixed Square to Mercury in Leo. Conversational flow is strengthened, and interconnection with other people is more likely, though it will take more legwork on your part to access it.. Discussions will be clearer and people will understand each other more. If you choose to engage with other people in a meaningful way, the stars will support you during this period.
Superior Fixed Square to The Sun in Leo. This indicates a lack of flow and lack of harmony between your own moods and desires and the environment and circumstances with which you are provided. You will hit roadblocks in enacting your will, and find that what people around you want and what your intentions are do not coincide.
Inferior Earth Trine to Jupiter in Capricorn: Support from Teachers and authority figures. Emotional buoyancy and grace for lessons. Potential for abundance and financial success. Not the greatest amount of support, though, considering Jupiter’s current state in Capricorn.
Inferior Earth Trine to Saturn in Capricorn: Light obstacles and roadblocks - ones that are ultimately productive and become learning experiences. Expect a natural sense of caution and greater predisposition for calculating your steps and planning carefully.
Summary: This is a Positive placement for the Moon with a lot of support from other factors, especially from the moon’s own ruler. While there is a great potential to be productive doing all kinds of things, there will be more effort required in order to manifest or accomplish anything. Your circumstances will push back against your intentions.. You can get a lot done and take good care of yourself, and you can expect a lot of support from people around you if you are willing to push through some potential conversation awkwardness and reach the relaxed flow provided by a venus sextile.
Have any questions or want to know more about these transits and your natal chart? Book a session with me!