Timing: The Moon occupies the sign of Pisces from Monday the 28th at 4:33pm UTC to Thursday October 1st at 10:05pm UTC.
Moon in Pisces: Peregrine. Without any essential dignity and not supported by a sectmate. The Mood continues to be somewhat unsteady, but this is an excellent day for emotional exploration and self-care. Free-form journaling, walks that have no specific destination in mind, and other practices or rituals that help you to get in touch with your own emotional center will be greatly supported here. Visions may also come to you, as Pisces is by far the zoidion which is most overtly connected to the other side.
Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Bicorporeal Water. Bicorporeality indicates activities and moods which are a mean between the extremes of tropicality (cardinality) and fixedness, not as erratic and changing as the former, but not as solid and steady as the latter. The water element emphasizes the emotional and inner life, and people tend to prioritize their own inner states and unconsciousness patterns. The atmosphere takes a very reflective tone.
Moon’s ruler: The Moon forms a sextile her ruler Jupiter. She therefore can ground her significations into actuality, and the work and activities done during this period have greater potential to turn into something positive and longer lasting. This brings support from teachers and authority figures. emotional bouyancy will abound more so than usual.
Inferior Sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. A touch of melancholy. You may find difficult experiences coming up that will thwart your agenda or sidetrack you, but you can transmute the difficult events or emotions that arise much more easily given the sextile. Whatever comes, it won’t be extraordinarily difficult.
Summary: This is a very quiet period. Now is an excellent time to go inward, given that this is a watery, very introverted sign, and the only aspect is coming in from Saturn and will be sure to bring stuff up. I wouldn’t bother trying to be super productive and efficient during this period, focus instead on the inner life. The Moon continues to receive ample support from the yin side of her ruler Jupiter to ensure that the mystical, spiritual dimensions both within and without can be explored successfully.
If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!