Tuesday, August 27th
The Moon will remain in Cancer until around 7:00pm EST. Expect the nurturing, caring energy and events of Cancer to continue, but these circumstances will not be brought to you through other people and situations so much as they will be an outflowing of your own mood and situation.
Today the Moon is in a state called kenodromia, which literally means void-running but has also been translated as void of course or running in the void. The Moon is void of course whenever she will not form another aspect to a planet before leaving her current sign. The primary task of the Moon is to “gather” the energy of other planets through aspects she forms to them and then send them down to Earth; when she forms no aspects, there is nothing for her to transmit to us, and she becomes quite literally empty of signification.
The Moon running in the void is an excellent time for meditation and spiritual pursuits. Since fewer things and events are signified on the earth, there is more space for cultivation of the inner life. However, this is not as positive a day for attempting to accomplish anything major in the world. Don’t plans any major meetings or work-related events during this day – nothing will come of them.
Venus continues to separate from both the Sun and Mars. While she is still fairly debilitated in Virgo and still combust, the intensity of this period is beginning to wane – difficulties in romantic relationships and between friends will begin to diminish again, though some difficulties will still surface from the next few days. Additionally, the energy and enthusiasm for work that developed with Venus and Mars were conjoined in Virgo will also begin to subside.