Travelling Outwards - Moon in Sagittarius 11/15-11/17

Timing: The Moon occupies the sign of Sagittarius from Sunday the 15th at 3:46pm UTC until Tuesday the 17th at 4:34pm UTC.


Moon in Sagittarius: Peregrine. This is neutral placement, leaning a bit more towards the negative. The moon has no essential dignity and is not in the place of a sectmate. On the plus side, she tends to encourage big picture thinking, creative expansion, and broadening of experience during this time. The timbre is optimistic and hopeful. This is a good day for pushing your boundaries, getting out of your comfort zone, and trying new things.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Bicorporeal Fire. Bicorporeality indicates activities and moods which are a mean between the extremes of movability (cardinality) and fixedness, not as erratic and changing as the former, but not as solid and steady as the latter. The fire element indicates the realm of spirit and ideals, and the Moon in a fire sign often expresses more enthusiasm, spontaneity, and creative, heart-centered expression.

Moon’s ruler: The Moon is averse to her ruler Jupiter. There is no help for the Moon in supporting her significations, and so it will be difficult to make anything positive or long-lasting come out of this period.


  • Inferior sextile to Venus in Libra. This will help to keep mood uplifted and supported - friendships and interpersonal harmony will flow freely, and there will be more support for group dynamics and collective pursuits.

  • Superior Fire Trine to Mars in Aries. Very strong desire to change and revolutionize the status quo, being completely unhappy with the current state of affairs and having a strong desire to push things forward. Dissatisfaction with current circumstances. Propensity for emotional frustration and agitation.

Summary: Until Jupiter leaves Capricorn, I wouldn’t try and do anything super important or long-lasting during this time, considering that the Moon is averse to her ruler and peregrine, and we have trouble finding much support from other planets. This is a good day to do the typical moon-in-sag thing of trying new stuff, getting out of your comfort zone, and pushing yourself a little (regarding fun, exciting things). The trine from Mars will make these days more active and intense, and the sextile from Venus should provide more interpersonal congruity and friendliness fairly easily. Try and be in the present moment, have fun, and let go of your big plans and life goals for this period.

If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!