Weighing Options - Moon in Libra 3/28 - 3/30



With the ingression of the Moon into the sign of Libra, the Queen of heaven takes her place at the bench in the courtroom, holding the scales of Justice with which she determines what is true and noble. But Libra and its themes go well beyond a hackneyed sense of right and wrong. Libra focuses on The Good in a divine sense, and spending the proper amount of time pondering, reflecting, and sharing life with others in order to attain this good. In this sign, the Moon deliberates and weighs options in order to determine what will be the best course of action in all aspects of life.

This is an excellent period for you to take a break from doing and spend more time in contemplation - especially with other people. Consider the problems in your life from all perspectives, and take every measure to truly understand all sides of the issues. The goal of all this is to find a decision and an action that takes every perspective into consideration, having been fully informed by all the viewpoints and all the truths of people’s experiences. This way, you will make a strong and effective choice regarding key themes in your life, and can rely on them to carry you closer to your goals and the kind of life you would like to lead.

What problem areas in life are you not giving enough thought? What challenging situations or people in your life are you glossing over? Who or what in your life is deserving of more careful and critical analysis?

Jupiter’s trine will help you with this, helping you to feel greatly supported as you try to deepen your relationship to your own sense of what is true and good. You will be blessed with more confidence, more self-esteem, and will probably find allies and guides rallying around you if you push yourself out of your comfort zone a little. This applies to all aspects of life , but especially to communication and getting your message across (air sign trine).

As with the last period, the trine from Saturn is a mixed bag. I am coming ever more to the conclusion that anything involving a malefic planet, no matter how dignified or how positive the aspect, will incorporate some difficulty. Hard at first, greatly rewarding in the long run. Saturn will continue to make you examine and question the insights with which Jupiter provides you. This is natural - Jupiter sows the seeds, and Saturn will ensure that only the best seeds actually sprout and germinate into something concrete in your life.


The Moon forms an opposition to her ruler Venus. Each time this happens, her ruler is by nature in detriment, as is the case with Venus in Aries. There is some help here that the Moon receives, but it is extremely backhanded and comes at a cost. You may find the natural charm and grace of Libra periods much harder to access. You may find communication and conversation easy, but persuasion will be much more difficult. The embarrassment and self-criticism from Saturn could become quite strong at points, as her ruler Venus is not really able to keep things under control for the very sensitive Moon.

The Moon forms an inferior trine to Mars in Gemini. I will restate what I said above: anything involving a malefic planet, no matter how dignified or how positive the aspect, will incorporate some difficulty. Mars in the superior position here gives him great power. Anxiety, nervousness, and emotional instability are greatly possible. Nervous system issues, especially if you have a lot of air in your own natal chart, will be aggravated. Emotions in general may be quite unsteady during this period - expect mood swings and excessive internal fluctuations.

And let’s not forget about the Sun-Moon opposition either. Once again, the divine lovers are quarreling, and as a result the base-line levels of flow and harmony in the world greatly diminish. Don’t expect your plans to come to fruition very easily. Expect obstacles, delays, and roadblocks to become commonplace.

“But Matthew! A Sun-Moon opposition is simply a full Moon, and everyone knows how great full Moons are!” Nope! Think of the internal struggle everyone you know with a Sun-Moon opposition in their natal chart has within themselves. Also remember that full Moons are traditionally associated with lunacy, bad judgment, animalistic tendencies (in a bad sort of way) and are also terrible times for surgery. (By the way, don’t get surgery in the next few days if you can avoid it…)

The Moon enters the Burnt Path (via combusta) Monday morning. Emotions can become very extreme, and there is a lot of instability in the air. People can be more volatile than usual.


As the Moon enters the burnt path, the potential for hauntings and disruptive psychic phenomena increases. Unless you’re an adept with particular expertise with astral protection mechanisms, make sure to smudge and do some spiritual practices before bed every evening.

According to the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM), Libra Moons are ideal times for necromancy. This is in keeping with the character of the via combusta. Now’s your chance to summon your ancestors for a soiree macabre. (The team at Ancient Astrology is not liable for the loss of life and limb that comes from any irresponsible attempts to bind shades to your will.)

Remember, everything that I tell you here needs to be indexed to your natal chart, especially the house placement of the Moon, any major transits and the time lords in your life. A strong period for one person may be more challenging for another. I am currently taking on new clients for readings, and I would be very happy to walk you through your own chart and astrological weather - book a session with me here!


Entry: Sunday, March the 28th at 1:22am EST / 5:22am UTC

Departure: Tuesday, March 30th at 1:33am EST / 5:33am UTC.

Moon in Libra: Place of Sectmate. The Moon finds moderate support from Venus. Libra Moons are excellent periods for meetings, discussions, research, and conversations that require diplomacy and tact. Conversation, dialogue, and anything which involves the meeting of the minds - especially in the one-on-one context - will be greatly supported during this period.

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Moveable Air. Movability (cardinality) indicates short and quick bursts of activity that are cut short and not seen through as often. The Moon and our own moods, activities, and attention spans tend to flit from one thing to the next. The air element promotes mental stimulation and any activities which involve communication and language. Air Moons tend to be very chatty and conversational, preferring discussion and the medium of language to anything else.

Moon’s ruler: Opposition to Venus in Aries. Backhanded support. You may make headway on some long-term goals, but not much. Don’t be upset if you don’t get very much off your to-do list over the next few days.

Relationship to the Sun: Opposition to the Sun in Aries. This is a very challenging placement. You will find consistent roadblocks, obstacles, and difficulties coming from outer situations and circumstances to frustrate your will. As is usual with this alignment, just be patient and remember that it won’t be long before these key planets form a positive aspect again.


  • Inferior Air Trine to Mars in Gemini. Tension, self-hatred, inner turmoil and nervous system issues. You may find yourself getting a lot done and making a lot of progress in life, but the pace will be difficult to sustain and you may tax your adrenals more than is advisable.

  • Superior Air Trine to Jupiter in Aquarius. Help and support from authority figures, especially showing up through conversation and dialogue with the airy nature of the trine. Emotional buoyancy, good luck, and a potential for financial opportunities to develop. The airy nature of this trine encourages conversation and the exploration of ideas with others.

  • Superior Air Trine to Saturn in Aquarius. Hard lessons that come through which effectively push people closer towards maturity and wisdom. Difficult experiences that teach you something profound and ultimately make you thankful for them. Slightly greater propensity for rumination and thought-loops, with the airy nature of the trine.