Ancient Astrology

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Fight for what you believe in - Moon in Aquarius 10/23 - 10/25

Timing: The Moon occupies the sign of Aquarius from Friday the 23rd at 1:16pm UTC am to Sunday the 25th at 9:18pm UTC.

Moon in Aquarius: Peregrine. Without any essential dignity and not supported by a sectmate. The Mood is generally less stable. In Aquarius, humanitarianism and ideals come to the fore. Self-growth and personal development for the greater good is a theme here. Your own thought processes and emotional needs may become harder to access as they are eclipsed by other bigger picture considerations which privilege the whole over any individual part

Triplicity and Quadruplicity: Fixed Air. Fixedness indicates prolonged activities and an overall steadiness people’s moods. The Moon in fixed signs makes activities more stable and their duration longer. The air element promotes mental stimulation and any activities which involve communication and language, and air moon tend to be very chatty and conversational, prefer discussion and the medium of language to anything else.

Moon’s ruler: The Moon is averse to her ruler Saturn, but this is offset by the homozonias or like-engirding relationship they have in virtue of being in signs of the same rulership. This is like a hidden support, where the Moon’s significations are grounded and carried through but in expected, perhaps secret ways. Some writers describe it in terms of an opposition.


  • Inferior fixed square to the Sun in Scorpio. There is a lack of support from external circumstances. Your own intentions and desires will receive roadblocks from outside of you. It will take more work to be successful.

  • Inferior fixed square to Mercury in Scorpio. Communication can flow freely if initial tension is resolved. Mercury’s retrograde will make the topics of thinking and community more internal, subjective, and aimed at the spiritual and metaphor.

  • Superior Sextile to Mars in Aries. Moderate support from Mars - more initiative and drive to accomplish things and make things happen. Small potential for irritability and frustrating circumstances, but the least likely of all the aspects the Moon can make with Mars

Summary: There is a lot of potential for productivity and long-lasting results this period, but the squares from the Sun and Mercury will make you work for it. Like all Aquarius periods, this is an excellent time to dream, plan, and think about the future. Mars provides some reliable fuel to fill your goals with passion and zeal. The trines from the Sun and Mercury ensure easier self expression and creativity. You may find yourself with greater than usual amounts of inspiration coming to move your life, and the lives of all around you, foward in big ways. This is a great period to make plans that you would like to carry with you for a good long while, but you will have to push in order for them to come to be anything besides a pipe dream.

If you would like to know more about how the stars are affecting you personally right now, feel free to book a session with me!