New Moon in Taurus - 4/22/2020
On April 22nd at 10:30pm EST the moon will have completed her journey around the sun, coming back to be reborn at 3 degrees of Taurus.
For those unfamiliar, new moons indicate new beginnings in astrology. As the moon travels through the zodiac, she becomes full of energies and spirits which pass through her and down to the earth to effect change on the world. After traversing the entirety of the zodiac, she convenes again with the Sun and cleanses herself of all the acccumulated energies of the previous cycle, being completely born anew.
We are all reborn along with the Moon during this time. Old patterns and alignments become cleared and new ones are ready to take their place. For this reason, New moons are famed for being excellent times to set new intentions and goals. Magically speaking, the obscured, geminating moon can be likened to a fallow field – an empty bed rife with possibility and potential. The seeds and intentions planted at the last new moon have culminated, their fruit has ripened, and the leftovers have fertilized the soil, making it ready for new seeds and intentions to come again. As such, they make excellent opportunities to set new intentions and plant new seeds in the fertile soil of your own subconscious.
Each year a new moon occurs within each of the twelve different signs. Moreover, the unique configurations and placements of other planets to the Moon each year also serve to make each new moon unique and interesting. In what follows I will unpack what kinds of moods and energies to expect from the upcoming new moon.
New Moon in Taurus
This month, the new moon occurs in the sign of Taurus. This is an especially noteworthy placement since this is the moon’s exaltation, which indicates that she and the portents and gifts she offers are much more benefic and positive. This is all in all an indicator of good fortune, and a promise that the moon will smile favorably on any new endeavors we begin.
The sign of Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning that the results and situations manifested by this new moon will be longer-lasting and more permanent. Magically speaking, this is a great opportunity to begin endeavors and practices that you want to have with you for a very long time. Taurus is also an earth sign, meaning that the events and significations of this new moon will be primarily related to materiality and physicality: wealth, food, one’s body, one’s material posessions, etc.
Taurus is the nighttime, yin home of Venus. Amongst other things, Venus rules friendship, sex, music, and art. This is an excellent time to begin new relationships and friendships. Activities which promote interpersonal harmony and serve to bring more beauty into the world will be most supported. This is an excellent time to practice music instruments, try your hand at painting or sculpting, or learn how to cook.
The moon’s ruler also determines what kinds of energy the moon brings in. Since Venus is in Gemini right now, we can expect more mercurial approaches to influence the way in which these themes are expressed. Conversations will abound, and the mood will in general be much more interpersonal. And of course, because of the current quarantine circumstances any of our conversations will probably continue to take place over hermes-ruled mediums like phones and computers, instead of happening in person.
There are only two major aspects to consider on this new Moon. First of all, the moon applies an inferior square to Saturn, with Saturn overcoming the Moon. I do not foresee this making too much difficulty since Saturn is also very essentially dignified. If you pursue this new Moon with a lot of gusto and choose to take practical steps to cultivate new energies and practices in your life, then there will be some roadblocks that keep you from following through or hinder you on your journey. Emotionally, this may create some difficult emotions and mental tapes that contribute to depression and anxiety, but I expect the (distant) applying trine from Jupiter to help provide some emotional bouyancy to keep this from getting too severe.
Second, the conjunction with Uranus contributes and incredibly erratic energy. You may feel the urge to rebel and assert yourself, to push back against the status quo. Someone or something may come into your life over the next cycle that completely alters your perspective or forces you to change the way you behave. it’s also that some valuable material objects could have problems or break down. I also expect the distant applying trine from Jupiter to keep this from getting out of hand.
In a nutshell, this upcoming new moon is an excellent time to set intentions for events and topics that you want to have last you a long while, especially ones related to the physical, earthy things represented by the nighttime home of Venus. This new moon will have us all feel both nurtered and inspired, save from some wild cards that may disrupt the positivty of this in the way of Saturn and Uranus, though Jupiter will keep any of this from getting too over the top.
I wish you good fortune and favor during this upcoming new moon. As always, if you have any questions or would like to explore this more thoroughly in your own natal chart, feel free to book a session with me. I would be more than happy to explore this transit with your in more detail.