Welcoming Redemption - Sun in Pisces 2025

The Sun has just ingressed into the sign of Pisces, the sign of spiritual awakening, renewed hope, and contemplative insight. With this astrological shift, we can shake off the frigidity and stern qualities of the past two zodiacal seasons. In place of the unforgiving absolutism of Capricorn and Aquarius, now we can receive gentler, intuitive guidance from the sign of the mystic.

At the heart of Pisces’ qualities lies inner spiritual wisdom: this sign opens us up to spiritual experiences and revelations, and gifts us with the inner spiritual authority and confidence that can only come through a genuine encounter with the divine. It puts us in greater touch with our inner truth and nature by, paradoxically, awakening to the deep oneness and kinship with all other beings.

In the wheel of the year, Pisces coincides with the end of winter. At this point, the length of days has almost surpassed the length of night - the light is almost about to triumph over the darkness - but has not quite yet. For now the darkness still reigns supreme, and we must wait patiently until its power is broken, and the cleansing fire of triumphant Sun once again redeems and restores the material world from grip of winter.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the lord of priests, pontiffs, swamis, lamas, and anyone vested with some formal, ecclesiastical authority within a religious sect. Jupiter performs the role of the divine counselor or pontiff to the Sun. Jupiter is not the king, but he is a kingmaker. He plays Ben Kenobi to the Sun’s Luke Skywalker, or Gandalf to Aragon. Jupiter derived his more familiar associations with financial abundance, through with spiritual abundance and authority.

In Pisces, we see Jupiter’s spiritual role as the awakened mystic - one who has totally unified the personal self with the Divine self, and sits in contemplative stillness of its true nature as the flow underneath all things. Within Pisces lies a quiet confidence and assuredness in the truth of its own experience. As the sun travels through this sign, Jupiter offers encouragement, hope, and counsel to all of us.

Fitting, then, that Pisces carries connotations of mysticism and the contemplative life. The mystic sits in quiet reflection, still entombed within the darkness of the material body and materiality, yet completely surrendered to the noetic, divine spark within that had originally descended into the material world, and will once again be free.

On a purely internal level, this watery, Jupiterian season indicates greater intuitive depth and emotional emphasis in all our lives. Dreams will strengthen and people will become more reflective. Additionally, Jupiterian optimism and enthusiasm will slowly permeate our moods as we stride ever closer towards the new buds and growth of springtime.

On a more material, practical level, the placement of the Sun in Pisces gives strength to authority figures and maintainers of the status quo. Companies, organizations, and social circles receive an infusion of new energy, life, and enthusiasm. People start exhibiting the first signs of positive change in their lives.

We can all attune ourselves to the wisdom of Pisces during this season. This is a great period for connecting with guides and authority figures to get advice and input on your path. Seek out people at your work who can show you the next steps to take in your career. Reach out to spiritual mentors and counselors whose feedback on your spiritual life you trust. Reach out more regularly to your spirit guide and aetherial allies for them to direct your steps so that you can align more fully with your life path.

This privileging of inner experience and the truth of the inner life is reminiscent of the other two water signs, Cancer and Scorpio. As a water sign, Pisces has strong associations with intuition, dreamtime, and emotional realms. Be sure to listen closely to your dreams this period - keep up a consistent dream journey, and consider working with the realm of dreams such as mugwort and blue lotus.

There are several configurations that will make this Pisces season more intense. For one, this is an eclipse season - be mindful of the next new and full moon periods, as they will be more intense and cause more turbulence. It’s best not to spend too much time outside on those days, and to clear your work schedule as much as possible. Treat the eclipse days as opportunities to take a day off and spend more time in spiritual contemplation.

The sun will spend most of this period applying a conjunction to Saturn. There will be more roadblocks, hurdles, and obstacles arising during this period. You may feel at times like your progress is being slowed down. Add to this the fact that Venus and Mercury both begin retrograding this season, and you get a pretty clear picture that our plans will easily get bogged down.

Don’t have too many attachments to get a lot done in the material world during this time. If you don’t have any major expectations for material accomplishments this period, you won’t be disappointed. Instead, focus as much as you can on internal reflection and spiritual practice. Bring your energy inward. This is the kind of practice that Pisces season supports the most anyway.

Take all these trials as opportunities to truly let go. Always return to an awareness of the spiritual realities that envelop this one. Don’t take anything too seriously. Abide in your spiritual identity that is far more real and older than your material one.

If you can fully surrender in this way, you’ll receive far more insight and gifts than you could by chasing material success. Ultimately, you’ll begin to connect more deeply with the part of life that truly matters.